Chapter 11

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I spot Laney walking out to her car ready for school as I stand on the front porch. Just great. She's wearing her favourite jumper that compliments her so well making it my favourite outfit that she always wears. I quickly gather myself and rush over to her hoping to catch a ride with her. Totally not so I can spend time with her. She looks over in my direction but pretends to ignore me. As usual. 

"Hello to you too, Laney," I say just to peeve her off. 

She immediately pretends as if this is her first time seeing me, "Oh hi!"

As she struggles with her stuff I rush to help her, "Here let me take this."

"Oh thanks, did you need something?"

"Uhh... no. Not really but I was just wondering if we could catch a ride together, you know. But you don't have to if you don't want to, I understand an-"

"August. You're rambling and I wouldn't mind roasting you on this fine morning. I've missed it," she smiles and oh my god, I made her smile. I quickly hop in the passenger side when she is settled in the driver's side and all of a sudden I'm stuck by her beauty and unable to speak. Obviously, I've always had a thing for her but I haven't taken a good look at her and looked at every fine detail in a while. "Do you like what you see?"

Oh. Only realising now that I'd been staring for a couple of minutes I also notice she mimicked me from the other morning when I mocked her. Crap I don't know what to say so I just sit there and swallow my misery. 

I also do not as she goes to turn on the music and sees that it immediately starts playing Taylor Swift's Holy Ground. I quietly hum but Laney looks over in my direction every so often singing along. It's been her favourite song since before I could remember. I know Laney likes Taylor and since then have become a huge swifty myself. She has a song for every situation. 

After the song ends we both strike up a conversation about our upcoming English project that is coming together slowly. "Do you think that the team will win this week? I know Willy is pretty confident."

"I'm pretty sure we will, but either way the team will do their best. I mean they did well two weeks ago when Willy and I were suspended and I was proud of them for that. I think that this season is on track to be one of our best." 

"That's good. I believe in the team Gus and that they can make it to finals," shit. My nickname I've only ever let Laney use it because it never had the same effect as everyone else. This is the second time in a couple of days, the first being during our impromptu sleepover. I think she is truly trying to kill me. 

We get to school a short time after and I wait for her to grab all of her stuff, joining her on the walk into school. We don't say anything but I notice the way she automatically tenses as everyone slowly looks our way. I'm used to the attention that people give me seeing as our team is pretty popular around our age group. However, Delaney is not and would do everything in her power to avoid attention. Sometimes I think that's why we are no longer close seeing as Willy and I both gained popularity. Willy says that she likes to avoid going out in public with him because he always seems to know someone. 

"August, I'll see you later..." she trails off trying to make a quick venture out of here. 

I know she has to go this way anyways because her locker is just around the corner from mine. I grab her hand not helping the attention but probably making it worse. "It's ok, Laney. Just ignore everyone, they're not looking at you," That's a lie and I know it, I just hope she doesn't see it. She is exactly who they are looking at because every other girl and probably some guys in this hallway would kill to be in her position. 

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