Chapter 8

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I had successfully made it to break time after a gruelling morning of classes. Unfortunately for me after lunch is an English class with... you guessed it August. But for now, I enjoy my lunch talking with the girls. By talking I mean politely gossiping with them about every possible person. 

"I cannot believe she did that," Frankie gasps but I zone them out when I spot Peter walking into the cafeteria. It's been a few weeks since the fight broke out so his bruised eye and cheekbones have fully healed, however, he will be sporting a crooked nose for the rest of his life thanks to Willy. 

Willy had only opened up to me about what actually went down that night on the ice a couple of days ago. At first, I was shocked but was not surprised at all in the end. Sure it hurt but seeing how many girls Peter now makes time for it was bound to happen. 

I zone back in just as Blakes says, "Should we invite her over here? I had art with her this morning and she seems super cool." I only now notice who they were talking about. A new girl who I hear is from Califonia, but other than that I don't know anything else about her. 

"Sure," we both agree and Blake waves her over. 

"Hey, I'm Blake. We were wondering if you'd like to sit with us?" 

"Ummm... sureee. I'm Luisa," she drops her bag and takes a seat next to Blake seeming a little unsure at first. Frankie and I introduce ourselves and get to know her a bit more. I don't mind her hanging out with us, she seems super nice and chill and defiantly fits in with the vibe of the group. 

The bell goes and we each head our respective ways but I end up walking a bit further with Luisa since she has Spanish at the same time as I have English and the classes are next door to each other. 

"I'm actually fluent in Spanish since my mother is from Mexico and learnt it from her growing up," Luisa says just as we reach the Spanish classroom. I love learning little facts about people so getting to know Luisa is awesome. 

Just as we say bye to each other, I hear my name being called out behind me. From the voice alone I am able to depict exactly who it is. Gus. My guess is right when I turn around and spot him down the hall. I am now fully aware of everyone else in this hallway and start to get a little anxious as they all turn their heads towards me. 

Breath Delaney... no big deal... 

Gus waits until he is right in front of me before striking up a conversation with me. "Is this lovely lady having a lovely day?" He says wrapping an arm around my shoulder. Gross. I don't why he does that so I'm quick to shove it off before responding. 

"I was until you decided to talk to me." I realise I'm going to have to talk to him for a little longer since we are early for the class. 

"I take it as a compliment that I can change your feelings within a matter of seconds. And in case you were wondering my day has been a-mazing, even now when I'm speaking to you," He says turning into the class. 

"Well, I wasn't but thanks anyways I guess," I plan on taking my usual seat in the corner but in the middle of the rows so I can actually see but not be right at the front. To my luck, August also takes that as a sign to sit next to me. I mean I'm not even surprised at this point simply because he does it every class. 

Ms Dover begins the class by explaining the next course topic which happens to be my favourite, poetry. Unfourtuanlty for me it is a group project. Even worse so is that when Ms Dover is going through the names I realise there are only two left. Mine and August's. 

"Finally, August and Delaney," by now everyone else has stopped paying attention and I can wallow in my misery by myself. Except I can't because August is enjoying this way too much. He turns to me with a gigantic smile plastered on his face, laughing. You have got to be kidding me. 

"I expect you to each have these in by the Friday in three weeks, before an oral presentation with the class." Everyone groans at the fact of the oral presentation and busy themselves either indulging in the group task or their own thing. 

Before I'm about to stick my earbuds in and read up about the task Gus catches my attention. "This is a group task, Laney, meaning you actually have to communicate with me." I roll my eyes at the nickname and continue reading the assignment details. 

"By the way, I am not doing the work for you, this assignment requires a lot more than you'd think," I say. 

"I'm reading it right now, and question, why would you think that I would make you do all the work?"

"I don't know if you remember the last time we got paired up but it was for a science presentation in middle school. I had to put together a shitty diorama all by myself, safe to say it fell apart before it even made it after the trip to school."

August seems to be racking his brain for that memory before I see it click, "Ahhhh... yes. Sixth-grade science class. That had to be the best science class ever," he seems reminiscent. 

"Actually no it was the worst class ever and it was filled with bratty kids." We both laugh. 

"Everything Has Changed since then," yes. Yes, it has. I remember how close we used to be and now I don't even know his favourite colour. 

Reminiscing on childhood friendships 😍. Ps. short chapter but I had no motivation 🥲

Song: Mary's Song (Oh My My My) - Taylor Swift 

Words: 997

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