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I slammed my front door shut, still crying. My mother was in the front room, knitting. She looked at me, worried.

"His mother is awful!" I cried, running into her arms. Alastor was sitting across from us, reading many pieces of paper.

"Wait, what?" Alastor said, sitting up.

"We had tea and he introduced me to his mother, but she was so awful. She spoke of me horribly, and father!" I continued. Alastor stood up. I had a feeling he was gonna kill Eric.

"Excuse me." He said, before leaving. I flung myself onto his arm but fell on the floor as he pulled away. I got straight back up and followed him out.

"Alastor it's not his fault! Please, let me handle this. LISTEN TO ME!" I shrieked. He stopped in his tracks. He turned and saw me, and I saw sorrow completely swallow him.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I just want to protect you. Please forgive me, my dear sister." He said, enveloping me in a hug. I nodded and we hugged it out.


Eric walked with Max onto the beach. He was moping, scared to show up to her house. He didn't want to go home.

"Oh Max, my best friend. How will we do this?" He asked his non-verbal buddy. The dog, seemed to understand him, tilting his hairy head sidewards. He then ran off.

"Max! Come back!" He called, but the dog didn't listen.

He scraped at the door. And continued until a sniffly Felicity opened the door.

"Max? What on earth?" She said. The dog barked and pulled at her skirt. She laughed and followed him. He barked, telling her to go faster.

She was very careful on the rocks, Max made sure of it. Growling at her to make sure she knew when it was dangerous.

She continued to follow the dog until she saw him. sitting there, looking miserable.

"Oh god." Felicity said. Max barked at her to hurry up and she didn't so he went back to pulling at her skirt. Eric could hear all this and was highly confused.

"Max?" He called out. Max was there, and so was she. Eric's eyes filled with tears as he saw her standing there. He stood up and wrapped his arms around her. Felicity returned the favour and they stayed like that for a while.

"Max dragged me all the way here." Felicity said. Eric laughed through his tears.

"I'm so so sorry for this hell-ridden day." He said. Felicity looked into his eyes, wiping his tears.

"It's okay. I shouldn't have shouted at her. But it's okay. It was nice tea."

"Princess Rhamaraja's tea, I believe." Eric said, watching as she giggled. There she was, the girl he fell in love with.

"I should've said something sooner, I truly am sorry."

"Eric, my love, it's fine. Trust me. I was just upset over my father. Now please, I've cried enough today!" Felicity said, running a hand through his hair. Eric was weakened at the pet name.

"I want to marry you." He blurted out. His eyes widened as he realized what he had said.

"I'd be happy too, Eric." Felicity said. He laughed and swung her around by her hips.

"Put me down!" She laughed. Max barked loudly as she was put back on the floor.

"I'm sorry I've been so emotional, Eric. I don't normally cry this much." Felicity said. Eric thought she was stupid for apologizing.

"Don't be sorry, I love that about you. And trust me, everyone will love that about you."

"Why did you choose me?" She asked, rubbing his shoulders. He looked relaxed by her touch.

"Because you're a woman who's known pain, and has expressed it. If someone or something annoys you, you show it. You're strong, you're silly, and you're mine. You're my queen already."

Felicity had tears in her eyes.

"I'm not exactly a woman yet. Nor a Queen!" She said, scoffing at herself.

"It's okay. I'll be with you every step of the way. I'm your future now, Felicity."

Your Future - Prince Eric Where stories live. Discover now