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the ball had arrived! Felicity felt beautiful in her green dress.

"Eric will love this dress, Your Majesty."

"Oh, please do be rid of the titles. But thank you, Miss. I do love this dress."

"No problem, Felicity."

"That's more like it."

Felicity sat down and sat her now awake baby on her lap, as Evelyn pinched the fabrics.

"Do you like Mummy's dress?" The baby giggled in response. It was six o'clock, and the ball started in an hour. Guests had started arriving already. No one important, just some of Lady Cecille's friends.  Felicity wondered how Eric was doing.

The time had arrived and Felicity sat outside the ballroom doors, Evelyn on her waist, ready to reveal her to the guests.

"Are you excited to meet Mummy and Daddy's friends?" She said, rubbing her daughters head.

The palace footmen let her know she was about to be announced.

"Alas, the moment you've all been waiting for, Princess Felicity and Baby Evelyn!" A man bellowed from indoors. The big doors opened and she stood out to greet everyone. They all smiled and applauded. Felicity was only looking for one person. Her person.

His eyes were shining looking at her, trailing down the stairs, baby on her waist. Evelyn giggled and clapped her own hands in response to everyones happiness. They had the biggest smiles on their faces. Eric took her free hand and then held her waist as everyone took a good look at the happy family.

Felicity then returned to her Ladies, Ella and Belle.

"Oh she's so beautiful!" Belle said, holding her little hand.

"Well done, Felicity. Was it easy?"

"I mean it did hurt, but nothing to troublesome."

Ella nodded understandingly. Belle was making the baby giggle by curling her tiny pieces of hair. Many other people came over to congratulate her and meet the baby.

"She's a wonderful baby, isn't she?" A woman said. Felicity nodded as Evelyn yawned.

"I think a girl is tired! Do excuse me." Felicity said as she cradled her sleepy baby. She found Eric and let his friends meet their child.

"She's a beautiful baby." King Florian said.

"Yes, she gets it from her mother." Kit said, making Felicity's cheeks flush. Eric chuckled and rubbed her shoulder.

"Right, this little miss has to go to bed, I'll be back.  Don't miss me too much." She said to Eric, who was bidding his daughter goodnight.

Eric's friends continued to congratulate Eric and tell him how wonderful his daughter was.

"It was all her. Every part of Evelyn is Felicity's."

"No, she's also like you. I can tell that she will have your personality. Your heart." Kit said. The men continued to talk about their kids while the wives did the same.

Felicity was walking back in the halls, humming to herself and checking her rings, when she heard voices.

"This can't go on, my Lord. It is not possible for me to choose!" Lady Cecille said. Felicity slowed her pace to listen in.

"I want to be with you, Cecille. You are the only thing keeping me going. I have to spend my money and time on someone."

"Well, I no longer want to be that someone!" She cried, making Felicity realize she was snooping. Running back to the hall, she shook off what she had just heard.

Her and Eric danced until they were out of breath, it was quite stifly in the hall so the lemonade came in good use.

"Do you want to join me outside?" Eric whispered to his wife, who was watching everyone else dancing. She smiled and took his hand, Eric whirling her outside.

She loved the gardens with all her heart. She spent most of the sunny days out here. Eric smiled brightly as they lay down, looking at the stars.

"I'll never understand stars." Felicity said.

"I love them. How they light every night alongside the moon always makes me content." She had never thought of it like that.

"But where do they come from? I'd love to find out."

"I'll find out for you someday, my love."

Felicity sat up and stared at the world around her. Eric sat up beside her but he only looked at her.

"Is there something on my face?" She asked.

"Other than indescribable beauty, no." Eric said. Felicity giggled and met his gaze. She had noticed a small stain on his face and wiped it away. Eric loved when she slowly touched him, it made him feel ten times lighter.

"Felicity..." He whispered.


"it's raining." He saved himself. Felicity held her hand out and then got up and twirled around in the rain.

"Come on, we have to come back inside!" Eric said. Felicity ignored him and took his hand, making him stand with her.

"I love rain!" She called out like a child.

"And I love you!" Eric called. She smiled contently and finally let him drag her inside.

"You're not fun!" She pouted, Eric giggled and too her hand, feeling how soaked her arms were.

"And you will have a cold, let me get you a warm blanket or something." Eric said, Felicity only wrapped her arms around him, soaking his suit. He groaned in a defeated way, making her giggle.

"I think everyone's gone home. It's quiet." Eric said. Felicity could'nt care less, she'd said and done everything she'd hoped to do that night. Well, except for one thing.

A sudden drive hit her and she kissed Eric passionately. Eric was loving this, finally getting to do what he wanted to do since last night.

He opened a door, leading to a guest bedroom, not daring to break the kiss.

Yet again, you can imagine what's happening next ;)

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