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Felicity's mother was much better now, two months after the wedding, and she was overjoyed at the news. Alastor was also very happy for both of them.

Felicity felt at peace, her mother was well and her brother had a look of happiness on his face for the first time in years. He looked younger, and in his eyes there wasn't a dark thought behind. It warmed her heart to see him this way.

Eric's travels were put on hold and he was also happy. There was no way in hell he would leave Felicity alone with Lady Cecille. She hates her, for no reason. He didn't understand how anyone could hate his wife, she was a ray of sunshine who would never ever hurt anyone intentionally. She was well shielded from this bad world and will be forever. Felicity has a family that loves her and she is creating their new family.

Yes, she can be childish at times, but that's her one flaw, every other outburst is within reason. She's a strong girl, who's gone through hardship and rose above it. She never wore her pain on her face and probably never will. She hates people making a fuss of her or worrying for her. 

Eric was looking at her as she painted in the garden. Her blue skirt was blowing in the wind. Her skin and hair was glowing in the sun too. How did he get so lucky?

Felicity hummed to herself as she painted the world in front of her. She loved painting with all her heart. If she had the money, she would've traveled abroad to pursue her arts.

Her hand was getting tired, so she decided to call it a day. Taking off her apron and cleaning her brushes, she asked a maid to put all this back.

She wondered where Eric was, she hadn't seen him all morning. He wasn't at breakfast and it worried her. She found him in a drawing room, the one with the piano.

"There you are. I missed you at breakfast." She said" watching as he looked longingly out the window.

"I wasn't hungry." He murmured. Something was wrong with him.

"That's okay. Come here." She said, turning him to face her and kissing him way more passionately than intended.

"Felicity.." Eric whispered, feeling weak at the knees by this action.

"What's wrong, Eric?" She asked.

"Nothing... I'm just tired."

"You didn't sleep till late last night. Busy thinking."

"Of what?"

"Of us. How we met and everything after that. I love you so much, Felicity, did you know that? You make me happy to see each waking day. You're my sunshine. And I know this baby of ours will be just like you. I love you so much and I'm so proud of you, my girl." He said. Felicity smiled brightly and held her stomach, meeting Eric's hand.

"And I know this will be hard, being a Queen and everything but just remember that I am here for you, always. Through it all. You will never be alone as long as I live." Eric said, tears filling his beautiful eyes.

"And so am I." Was all she could say. Eric went back to looking out the window. The sea was rippling against the cliffs. Felicity knew something was up that he was keeping from her.

"There's something else, isn't there? Is it because you couldn't travel? Because you know I want you to-"

"Felicity. It's nothing. Honestly, don't mind me."

"But you're upset, and I want to know why so I can make you feel better."

"It's nothing, leave it alone. I'm sorry for stressing you out." Eric said. Felicity didn't believe him and just excused herself.

She wasn't angry, just confused as to why he was keeping things from her. Leave it alone. He said it with such a boisterous tone that it scared her. Had she done something to offend him? Did she say too much? Did she not say enough?

Eric, as happy as he was to be a father, felt as if he wasn't ready, and his wretched Step Mother looming around the castle wasn't helping. He didn't know if she knew, but was frightened for when she did.

He always says "a person's strongest and biggest weapon is their mouth." and it surely resides in Lady Cecille. Eric knew he was strong enough to take her, but he didn't know if his wife could. In the past, she had been but that wasn't anything.

Lady Cecille is a very contrary soul who always wants things her way, at her pace, in her own time. But nothing had gone her way since that little blonde girl had turned her step-sons head. She had it all, a Prince for a child, a castle, she even had a marriage in line but it was all ripped from her hands.

Ever since then, Lady Cecille has been hidden away from social events, left behind in the world and she has nothing but her own villany thoughts to keep her company. She did have her step son and daughter in law, but Lady Cecille didn't know how she'd poisoned Eric's perception of her.

Eric once saw her possibility to be a good mother, but once he saw how greedy and envious she was, it changed him. And when Felicity came around, how vile she spoke of her and swore to never accept her, really stuck in the knife in him.

From then on, Eric vowed to never leave Felicity alone as long as Lady Cecille is in the area. If she poisoned his wife he would never forgive himself. Ever.

Felicity sat on her window, hugging her knees and fiddling with the fabric of her skirt. She didn't know what she did wrong. Eric had never taken that tone with her. Her eyes darted towards the gardens when she saw a woman and a man. He was old, with gray hair but kind features. Felicity could tell he was rich. And the woman? Why that was none other than Lady Cecille. Felicity sat up, on her knees, and leaned closer to the window.

Lady Cecille was guffawing and laughing cutely at the man. Waving her fan to and from her face made suspicion rise in the woman. Before she could get a closer look, Lady Cecille and the man pointed directly towards her and she squealed and jumped off the window. Landing with a painful thud, she giggled to herself, feeling stupid that she flung herself off.

Eric ran in, cautious of the noise, and saw his wife on the floor.

"Are you alright?! What caused this?!" He asked, more alert than ever. He helped his wife up and was very confused as to why she was giggling.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked her.

"It was funny the way I fell." She said, wiping her eyes. Eric smiled but was still concerned.

"Are you sure your okay? Is the baby okay?" He asked, holding her waist as she laughed.

"I'm fine, Eric. Don't worry." She said, rubbing his jaw comfortingly. Felicity always loved how no matter where she touched him, he would always melt away. His troubles would dissipate at her touch.

"I cannot get over you." He said, smiling proudly. Felicity smiled, knowing she had her boy back. They were so happy, in their warm embrace.

...... Then came trouble.

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