Home Is Where The Heart Is

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In the Parker's apartment, MJ can be seen walking around the living room while Peter talks with Ben. Ever since the attack at the fashion show, Y/n has been missing, and MJ was started getting worried about him. Peter then walks in with his head low.

MJ: So?

Peter: Ben hasn't seen him. Not since they stopped the truck robbery.

MJ: Where could he be?

Peter: I don't know? Maybe he's at the Empire State Building. It is his favorite spot.

MJ: But why would he go after what happened?

Peter: MJ,*sighs*The one who attacked the show was Hobgoblin.

MJ:*gasps*What? I thought his was at Ryker's?

Peter: I thought so too, but looks like he escaped.

MJ sighs to herself, but Peter hugs his wife to reassure her.

Peter: Y/n a strong kid. Wherever he is I'm sure of it.

With Y/n and Gwen, a portal opened up on next to the apartment building. The two of them jumped out and landed on the wall, close to Y/n's room. The pair dropped to the fire escape and enter his room via the window.

Gwen: So this is your bedroom? Looks cozy.

Y/n: Thanks, my mom offered to get me more stuff, but I don't really need it.

Gwen takes a look around Y/n's room and notices his board full of pictures of her and the others.

Gwen: Wow. Who knew you were good at art.

Y/n: What can I say, I missed guys.

She then does a turn around and sees Y/n's drum set.

Gwen: I didn't know you played drums.

Y/n: Uh I didn't before, but after I came back home I started learning.

Gwen: Any particular reason why?

Y/n:*gains a slight blush*Uh, you know.

Gwen:*warps her arms around his neck*Come on, you can tell me.

Y/n: For you.

Gwen: Well aren't you sweet.

Back with MJ and Peter the two in the kitchen still talking about Y/n's whereabouts. As they do, Peter's spider sense goes off.

MJ: Peter? What is it?

Peter: My spider sense just went off.

The two then hear a noise coming from Y/n.

Peter: And I think I know why.

As Peter walks towards Y/n's room, MJ quickly grabs a pan and follows him. They put their ear to the door and hear the sound of voices and moving around.

MJ: Did someone break in?

Peter: Who'd be dumb enough to break?

MJ: You'd be surprised babe.

Peter: Ok on the count of 3. 1...

MJ: 2....

Peter and MJ: 3!

They both burst into the room ready to take down whoever is behind the door. However when they do burst in, they stop and freeze. Because in front of them was Y/n in his underwear as Gwen held onto his ripped suit.

Y/n:*gets a massive blush* MOM! DAD!

Peter:*covers his eyes*Oh! Sorry Y/n, your mom and I heard some noises coming from here and thought we were being robbed.

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