The Pain Of Loss Can Be Strength

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It's been three days since Peter had died. After MJ was checked out and released from the hospital, she went to Aunt May, who had taken Mayday with her, what happened to Peter. She fell to the ground and broke down in tears as she lost another family member.

Today was the day of Peter's funeral and with the pouring rain, it just made everything sadder. As news of Peter death spread everyone was there to attend, and I mean everyone. The Avengers, Fantastic Four, The Defenders, Some members of Shield, People from the Daily Bugle, even some reformed villains showed up.

As people were walking into the church, MJ searched around for Y/n, but couldn't find him. As she looked around, Ben walked up to her.

Ben: You okay?

MJ: I'm looking for Y/n, have you seen him?

Ben: No I haven't. But can you blame him?

MJ sighs and looks off at the church wondering where Y/n could be.

Y/n sat alone at the edge of building over looking the city. He didn't bother to change into his suit and he didn't care. The only thing that was on his mind right now was his dad. He began to blame himself for letting his dad die. If only he hadn't gone on that mission maybe Peter would still be alive. So many things went off in his head, but they all went away when he heard footsteps behind.

Y/n: Gwen, please just go. I want to be alone right now.

Peter B: And let you take up this view by yourself? No chance!

Y/n turns around and see Peter B walking up to him. Y/n turns back around and faces back at the view of the city. Peter B then sits besides him and enjoys the view as well.

Peter B: I heard what happened to you from Gwen. I'm sorry.

Y/n: It's my fault he's dead.

Peter B: No it's not.

Y/n: It is! If I was able to get home faster then, then....

Y/n couldn't hold them back anymore and he begins to tear up. Peter B gets closer to Y/n and wraps his arm around him and hugs him.

Y/n:*starts crying*If only I was strong enough I could've saved my dad.

Peter B: Sometimes even if we're have enough strength, it's still not enough to save the ones we love.

Y/n: But what am I supposed to do? Dad taught me everything I know, he's the reason why I took up being Spider-Man.

Peter B: Then keep being Spider-Man. Let your dad's memory live on through your heroics. Show me that everything he taught you wasn't for nothing. Besides you not the only one going through this. Your family going through the same thing. They need you to be the one to hold them together if they break.

Y/n laughs a bit while wiping his tears off his face.

Y/n: Your surprisingly good at giving advice.

Peter B: Hey I have to practice for the kids.

Y/n: Kids?

Peter B: Oh yeah! Check it out!

Peter B then pulls out his phone and goes through his gallery and shows him pictures of his daughter, Mayday.

Y/n: Wow, you have a daughter.

Peter B: Yep! After I returned home, I managed to work things out with MJ, thanks to you and Miles.

Y/n: She must be a hand full Huh?

Peter B: Oh my god! You have no idea! She's like a daredevil! She lives for danger! That's why we called her-

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