Why Did You Create That Guy?

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Brooklyn, Earth 1610

On Earth 1610, it shows the inside of a councilors office with both of Miles's parents, Rio and Jefferson Morals taking about Miles's academic future

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On Earth 1610, it shows the inside of a councilors office with both of Miles's parents, Rio and Jefferson Morals taking about Miles's academic future.

Rio: I know he's just a sophomore, but we want to get a jump on the college conversation. I'm sure he's going to be here any minute.

Jefferson: He's very serious about his future.*nervous chuckle*

The counselor looks at both of them with a deadpan as Rio and Jeff get worried about what's taking their son so long.

Cutting to a bodega, a suspicious man in a coat can be seen peeking through the window, almost as if he's scouting it out. Then man then enters the bodega and walks up to the cashier.

Suspicious Man: Excuse me, do you have a ATM machine?

Jamaican Owner: Yea, right 'round there in the back.

Suspicious Man: Preferably not change.

Jamaican Owner: What?

Suspicious Man: Uh nothing!

The man then walks around to the back where the ATM is and pulls up his sleeve to reveal a moving black dot.

Suspicious Man: Should be simple enough. Just make a hole then grab the money.

He grabs the dot and places on the ATM which somehow makes a portal. He sticks his hand through trying to grab the money inside, but ends up grabs some soda instead.

Suspicious Man: Oop, that's not right.

He tries again, but his hand appears above him, he does it again, but this time he hits his hand against the machine.

Suspicious Man: Just give me your money.

He tries again, and this time he succeeds in getting his hand through the machine.

Suspicious Man: Where are you money? Where are you?

He begins to feel around for the money, until he gets a hold of it. Only problem is that is locked in a compartment. As he tries his hardest to pull it out, he inadvertently creates another portal at his feet, causing the ATM to slightly fall and make the man fall.

Outside, the bottom half of the ATM appears on the street and trips some random guy. The owner sees what happened to guy and goes to look back in the bodega.

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