Chapter 2-Alchemax

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Disclaimer: The following will be a AU on how events will go since beyond the spider-verse will be coming out early next year. Note that some things will be only speculation for what is to happen while other things might just be new things to work in the contexts of the story.  Spider-Man and all other spidermen characters are all owned Song and Marvel.

Note: For some variants of these characters, I would be using other names to not confuse people. ( Earth 42- Gwen/ Gweny) (Earth 42- Miles/ Miles G.—Prowler)

Anyways be sure to leave a Vote and Comment.

Chapter 2- Alchemax

" Lyla, do you have any readings on where he could be?"

" Sill no sign of him"

Miguel stared at the dark city which was Mile's universe, the usual stoic expression never leaving his face. The last few hours had been rather difficult for him. First, chasing a teenager down because he might destroy the multiverse. Next, getting his ass kicked by this same teenager while hearing Peter flexing his daughter all while "Gwen" tries to get all cuddly with the anomaly.

This was just all some big mess that could have been avoided if Gwen didn't visit him, But no, she just had to let her teenage fantasy take the best of her. Now the multiverse was in danger all because of some teenage drama love story by Gwen and the anomaly. Why? Why did he let Jess talk him into letting her in the society. They could've just gave her a new home on another different dimension but no, she just had to pair her with Hobie.

Oh how big of a mistake that was to even let Hobi near her. Now that he quit, seemed like Gwen was gonna become the new Hobie. Which is why he sent her home, to avoid any more problems with both the anomaly and Gwen.

" Miguel, I've got something"

It was Jess, Miguel lifted his wrist to see Jess through his watch.

" You found him?"

" No, I spotted Gwen. She was with the parents."

When things couldn't get worse!

" How's that possible? We deactivated her watch moments after we sent her back?"

" Seems like she had some help making a new one to get here"She explained, " I overheard their conversation, seems like the kid isn't here."

" But how? The device should've sent him here?"

Pitching his nose, Miguel was in deep in thought. The device sent back anyone from their dimension whenever their spider DNA came from?

Then it clicked.

" Unless, it didn't." Miguel tapped a few buttons on his watch " Lyla, gather any information about what universe that spider came from. The one that bit Miles"

Lyla appears in front of him. The way she showed her smug expression already worried him. He knew what she was gonna do.

" What's the magic word?"

" Lyla, this is no time for-"

" What? I can't here you?"

Miguel scowled, fixing his composure " Could you gather information about Miles' spider, please?"

Lyla snickered, she just loved messing with up in any circumstance. " Your the boss"

" Jess, gather a team and stay put here, if there's any sign of him, contact me" Jess raised an eyebrow, her expression changing slightly.

" And where do you think your going?"

Miguel opens a portal.

" I'm going after the anomaly"

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