Bonus chapter- Live and Learn

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Disclaimer: The following will be a AU on how events will go since beyond the spider-verse will be coming out in a few years. Note that some things will be only speculation for what is to happen while other things might just be new things to work in the contexts of the story. Spider-Man and all other spidermen characters are all owned Song and Marvel.

Note: For some variants of these characters, I would be using other names to not confuse people. ( Earth 42- Gwen/ Gweny) (Earth 42- Miles/ Miles G.—Prowler.

Sorry for the long wait everyone, College has kept me busy but I surely hope you enjoy this chapter.

Bonus chapter- Live and Learn

The sun rose once again on the city of new work. The birds chirping, car horns honking, the city had truly earned its reputation as the city that never sleeps.

But unlike the busy city of New York, there were some individuals who needed sleep. Spider-Man was one of them.


Stretching his arms, Miles starts to open his eyes slowly while trying to make out his surroundings.

" Uhhh...What time is it?" He asks himself, trying to find his alarm clark.

Needless to say, he wasn't able to find it. Instead, he noticed that parts of what he believed was his room were missing. Realizing this, Miles' eyes drift around the room only to instinctively widen.

The reason why his room looked so different was the fact that this wasn't his room. It was Gwen's.

" W-What the—"

He would've jumped from his bed right then and there if it weren't for something slightly heavy holding him down. Taking a moment to realize this, Miles tries to maneuver his way out the bed only to be stopped when the blanket he used started to move.

" W-What the hell?" Miles thought to himself.

Opening the blanket slightly, Miles eyes widen even further to see that it was no other than Gwen herself. The blonde-haired girl was sleeping comfortably on his chest, her hands being softly placed there while her breaths came slow and even.

So many thoughts instantly ran through the boy's head. Why was he Gwen's room? Why was he lying on her bed? And why were they sleeping together.

I feel like we skipped a few steps here.

He lets out a sigh of relief seeing how both of them were fully clothed. The last thing he wanted was to do the nasty at such a young age. What would their parents think?

Miles eyes immediately shoot open. How could he have forgotten that he needed to be home a certain time. He told his parents that he wouldn't be out too late.

Welp, so much for his grounded period being lifted.

Regardless, he knew he couldn't keep them waiting. After all, he owe it to them after all the crap they've been through.

Miles Instinctively tries to come up with something to escape her grasp and try to process things only for her soft snoring to catch his attention.

The young Spider-Man could only stare in awe at the sight of his...girlfriend, never thought he would say that, sleeping so comfortably with him. Usually during the dating period, it would take months, possibly a few years before couples started doing this stuff.

His parents, usually his mother, had always taught him to respect the boundaries in any relationship. That's what a normal and respectable person would do.

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