Chapter 8- Collider Madness

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Disclaimer: The following will be a AU on how events will go since beyond the spider-verse will be coming out early next year. Note that some things will be only speculation for what is to happen while other things might just be new things to work in the contexts of the story.  Spider-Man and all other spidermen characters are all owned Song and Marvel.

Note: For some variants of these characters, I would be using other names to not confuse people. ( Earth 42- Gwen/ Gweny) (Earth 42- Miles/ Miles G.—Prowler.

Anyways be sure to leave a Vote and Comment.

Chapter 8- Collider Madness

It's funny really, you guess your first adventure with something bigger then yourself would leave you with some moral lesson or understanding who you are. Who would have it leave you wondering if you life even mattered in the first place.

It took some time and comforting from her mother before Gweny had wished to be alone in her room. She told her mother that she'd agree to any terms of her extended punishment, but the way she sounded so defeated and hurt had slightly worried her mother, but what difference would that make to her punishment.

Why should she even care about anything at that point? After all, her life only ever had one sole purpose before she was destined to snap like a twig.

Laying on her bed, Gweny had remained quiet after a long round of misery and tears. Time had remained still for her as she stayed in a cuddling position for what felt like hours. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't even hear the door to her room opening.

Peaking her head inside, Helen took one glance at her daughter as her eyes softened. She wasted no time walking over toward her before sitting down against the corner of her bed. No words were said between the two as they both sat in silence.

Helena allows a few seconds of silence to go by before she decided to initiate the conversation.

" Gwen, honey. Is everything okay?"

Gweny doesn't answer her, but the way she crawls into tighter cuddling position already gave her mother the answer she needed. Helen knew something was was bothering her but as a mother, she knew she couldn't overstep her boundaries. There was only such much she could do for her in this state.

" Okay, I get it. Not the best time to ask you that now." Helen sighs, she thinks for a moment before turning over to her daughter. " Look I'm...I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I didn't mean to bring you father into the argument. I was just...scared. I was scared because I didn't want lose you too."

" I know I haven't been the best mother to you. And I know I don't always do what you want me to do or say what you want me to say. I just wanted to give you the life that your dad always wanted you to have. It's why I'm so hard on you whenever you make such poor decisions. Because I know he would want you to be happy. I want you to be happy. That's all I ever wanted after we lost him."

Helena could feel the tears building inside her as she uses all the strength she had to not break down right then and there.

" But now I see that I was only drifting us apart. And I don't want that. Because I love you to much to ever let you go."

Even when her mother had poured her heart out, Gweny still remained still as Helen sighed hearing no repossessed from her. " I understand if you don't want to see me right now. I'll be on my way then."

As her mother prepared to leave to leave, she felt something pull her hand. Turning her head, she could see the look in her eyes as Gweny trembled. Before her mother could even muster a word, she immediately felt something against her chest as Gweny rushed over to her before hugging her tightly.

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