Gwiles Short Chapter-Dinner with the Morales Family

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Disclaimer: The following will be a AU on how events will go since beyond the spider-verse will be coming out in a few years. Note that some things will be only speculation for what is to happen while other things might just be new things to work in the contexts of the story.  Spider-Man and all other spidermen characters are all owned Song and Marvel.

Note: For some variants of these characters, I would be using other names to not confuse people. ( Earth 42- Gwen/ Gweny) (Earth 42- Miles/ Miles G.—Prowler.)

Gwiles Short Chapter-Dinner with the Morales Family

It's funny how things led up to this point. Now you may be wondering, what are you even talking about Miles? Well, allow me to explain. You see, it all started a week ago after I came back from Gwen's place after staying the night there. It was no surprise that my parents were upset with me about staying overnight without their knowledge. But you would be surprise where this led to actually.

Without further ado, let's do a little recap. You see, I had just made back at my place using the window to my room as an entrance.

Miles quietly opens his window lock before entering inside his room. It was probably wishful thinking but a part of him believed that maybe his parents didn't notice his complete absence in their household last night. After all, they don't usually check up on him in his room around days like this, mainly due to them respecting his privacy unless it was completely necessary like if an argument started that they wanted to talk about or an emergency.

Since he did tell them that he was going to take her out the other day, they probably assumed he just came later during the night and was to tired to wake them up to let his presence be known. Whatever the case may be, he was hoping for the best.

That didn't really get him far at all though.

It was only after taking a few couple of steps did he hear a familiar noise that would be used to catch someone's attention. In his family case, it was the fake cough sound that made you realize you were caught red handed. Stopping in his tracks, he grimaces while turning towards his door, because of course it would be open with his parents standing there with unassuming looks.

So, what would he do in this scenario?

Oh, that's right. Play Dumb.

"Hehe...." Miles laughed awkwardly, straightening himself while trying to act as casual as he could. " Nice weather we're having today."

" Just where the hell have you been!!" Jeff exploded in angry and fury that would prove why anyone would be scared to talk to him. " Me and your mother have been worried sick!"

Miles flinch before turning away from their murderous glares. Taking a deep breath, he answered softly " I was out with Gwen and I lost track of time, so I just crashed at her place."

He would soon regret the words that came out of his mouth as his mother raised her eyebrow at him suspiciously.

" You mean to tell us you stayed over at her place the entire night?"

Oh no. Miles knew that look. He knew he was already in deep trouble but seeing where this conversation was leading too, he tried his hardest to explain himself.

" Hold on, before you assume anything, let me explain." Miles quickly spoke, giving a slight pause to see if his parents would even hear him out.

Jeff and Rio glanced at one another before giving their son the benefit of the doubt to explain his sudden absence the entire day yesterday.

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