Epilogue- Open your heart, Its gonna be Alright.

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Disclaimer: The following will be a AU on how events will go since beyond the spider-verse will be coming out early next year. Note that some things will be only speculation for what is to happen while other things might just be new things to work in the contexts of the story.  Spider-Man and all other spidermen characters are all owned Song and Marvel.

Note: For some variants of these characters, I would be using other names to not confuse people. ( Earth 42- Gwen/ Gweny) (Earth 42- Miles/ Miles G.—Prowler.

Sorry for the long wait everyone, College has kept me busy but I surely hope you enjoy this chapter. Anyways be sure to leave a Vote and Comment.

Epilogue- Open Your heart, It's gonna be Alright.

One Month Later

Alright people, let's do this one last time. My name is Miles Morales. I was bit my a radioactive Spider from another dimension, and for the last few months, I've been the one of many, Spider-Man.

Pretty sure you know where this goes. You see I was chased down by the spider society, fought my doppelgänger, met with another Gwen, was chased down by the other villains.

Then the others then showed up to save me, I was finally given my very own watch, my relationship with Gwen got testy, stopped that world's collider from activating.

Then I came back and stopped Spot from killing my dad, saved the multiverse, met two older variants of myself and Gwen.

Then finally, after the dust had settled from all the chaos around me, I finally was able to get that kiss from Gwen.

W Rizz, am I right?

Although, it was kinda of a bummer seeing that I was never suppose to become Spider-Man. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't devastated by the news. I was cursed to be an outcast from the rest of the multiverse. But I proved them wrong. It doesn't matter what they say about me, they don't define who I am.

Because nobody decides how your story is suppose to go. No one except you. No matter who you are or where you came from, only you can shape your own destiny. If you didn't know that before, I hope you do now. Cuz I'm Spider-Man. And nobody could take that from me.

Speaking of which, I'll end things off here. I got someone I need to see. And I'm pretty sure I made a promise to her that I wouldn't keep her waiting to long.


An entire month had passed since the defeat of Spot. Since then, things have been pretty peaceful throughout the multiverse. Like Miles, Gwen also needed a break from the whole multiverse shenanigans to get her life back on track.

After making up with her dad, she had finally decided to move back in with him. Speaking of her father, he was out running some errands, leaving her alone at her own apartment.

With her set of earphones, Gwen snuggled comfortably in her bed while listening to her music.

I can hear you screamin' out,

Calling' me

It's my fault, made you fall for me

So, to save you, I'd give you-


" Huh?" She muttered softly.

Open up your heart, It's gonna be alright  (Spider-Man: Beyond the Spiderverse)Where stories live. Discover now