Chapter 7- Redefine Destiny

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Disclaimer: The following will be a AU on how events will go since beyond the spider-verse will be coming out early next year. Note that some things will be only speculation for what is to happen while other things might just be new things to work in the contexts of the story. Spider-Man and all other spidermen characters are all owned Song and Marvel.

Anyways be sure to leave a Vote and Comment.

Note: For some variants of these characters, I would be using other names to not confuse people. ( Earth 42- Gwen/ Gweny) (Earth 42- Miles/ Miles G.—Prowler.

Chapter 7- Redefine Destiny

Gweny tried effortlessly to break free from the spider web which trapped her against the ground, using her other hand to pull on the web hoping she would rip it off. Even with her best efforts, it was clear she wasn't going to break free any time soon.

" What is this web made of? Some kind of gorilla sticky glue!" Gweny exclaimed as she closed her eyes to continued her efforts in escaping.


Gweny eyes widen hearing a sudden snap noise. She turns toward the web that held her hand down only to see that arm suddenly free. Alarmed, she turns her head to see someone standing before her.

It was Peter B.

" You alright kid?" Gweny simply nods her head, Peter B. turns his head toward the city, the sounds of people screaming along with police sirens showing his visible distress on the situation unfolding.

" Mind holding my baby for a sec?"Peter B. asked her as he forcefully gave Mayday to her.

" What?"

" Trust me, it's very rejuvenating at times of identity crisis" Peter B. told her before handing her a sharp blade " You might wanna free the others while you're at it."

Gweny was lost for words. Before she could even ask more questions, Peter B. is already walking the other way toward the new exit made by the battle. Even with everything that's happened, Gweny could only shout to him.

" And just where the hell are you going?"

Peter B. pauses, she thinks she might've crossed a line with her tone but is surprised when she is met with smirk. She doesn't have time to ask him anything else as Peter B. swings away leaving Gweny alone with Mayday.


Miles G. narrowly missed a punch his doppelgänger through at him. Miles was clouded in rage that his attacks became less sharper with each strike. His doppelgänger now having the slight advantage as he blocks more of Miles's strikes. Even with that advantage, it didn't stop Miles G. from wincing from pain whenever he was forced to block his strikes.

His doppelganger's anger seemed to go increase his strength ten fold, making him equal to heavy hitters like Miguel. But Miles G. knew from personal experience that rage was like a fuel that burned quickly. It was only a matter of time before he would die out. But how much longer would that last?

Miles yelled out in pure rage as he threw his strongest punch as his doppelganger was forced to catch it with one of his hands. He winced feeling the full force of his punch as he could feel the metal gauntlet denting as he tried holding him down. Miles tried using his other arm but his doppelganger caught that fist as well, forcing both of them in a stale mate.

Miles G. could see the rage and anger that was built up inside, a reflection to what he went through during his father's death. The anger. The hate. The thrust to kill. It was to familiar to him. And that scared him.

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