This cant be good

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A few weeks had gone by. You'd attended Vox's trial and he's been sentenced to life in prison. You and Alastor were both pleased about that. You were currently lounging about in your living room, trying to come up with something to do. You were bored out of your mind. You had just about decided to give up when you heard your phone buzz. You picked it up to check who had texted and smiled when you saw it was Anthony. You opened your phone and scanned the message.

"Hello Y/N, meet me on main street in a half an hour for a get-together." You tilted your head slightly. You found his lack of slang and the formality of his message quite odd but you brushed it off. You got ready and grabbed your stuff. You walked out and walked to main street. You looked around for Anthony and spotted him at a table in front of a restaurant. You started walking towards him when you saw someone sit in a chair across from him. You peered at the new person and realized it was Val. You frowned but walked up.

"Hey, guys!" you said as you plopped into a seat next to Anthony.

"Hey Y/N.." Hey replied, a bit quiet for his usual volume. You raised an eyebrow and glanced at Val. He was grinning. It unnerved you. You picked up a random knife off the table and began fidgeting with it as you looked between the two. Anthony looks a bit scared and guilty, while Val looks smug.

"Uhm.. right sooo why'd you call me over?"

"Well.. I was gonna hang out with ya but then.." Anthony trails off and throws a glance at Val that only you caught. You gave a slight nod.
"Well, I can just go if you're busy!" You said.

"That.. would be best" Anthony replied. You set down the knife you'd been holding the whole time and got up, you walked off. You shot a backward glance and you saw Val, grinning and holding the knife in his... gloved... his gloved hands. That could not be good. You speed-walked away trying your best to ignore the growing feeling of dread slowly forming in the pit of your stomach. What was he planning?

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora