The radio demon?

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there, on the screen, was Alastor. He was on a rampage, and you could hear screams through the TV. Only he didn't exactly look like his old radio demon self. The shirt under his signature red jacket was white, and the black on the ends of his hair and ears was also now white. Aside from that, he was the same, down to the radio dials currently filling his eyes. You covered your mouth, eyes glued to the screen.
"I thought he was dead!" you cried. "How- how is he back here?! And why hasn't he come back to the hotel!"
"I dunno toots.. I really dunno...." Angel said, putting a hand on your shoulder. You teared up a bit, still staring at your lover on the screen. You pulled your gaze away, instead burying your face in Angel's shoulder. He rubbed your back soothingly and you began sobbing quietly. You had missed him so much... but it seemed he hadn't missed you.
It had only been a few days since I'd woken up in hell. It was an interesting place, full of sin and crime. I could do things here that I could most definitely not do in my time on earth, including making a proper name for myself. I didn't remember much about Earth. Only that I was a killer with an incredibly high kill count, and that my name was Alastor Leblanc. This lack of memory did concern me, but I figured it was normal, so I didn't worry about it. The thing was though, the second I stepped out of the alleyway I had fallen into, demons began cowering or running. It was like they feared me. I didn't mind in the slightest of course, and an idea struck me. If they were running, that must mean I was powerful. I started testing out my powers, and it turned out they were much stronger than I could imagine. In the couple of days I'd been here I had found out much about this godawful place and had begun building an even stronger reputation for myself. Demons cowered by my mere presence, only serving to boost my ego more. I could tell that this was going to be a VERY entertaining endeavor.
(hey y'all, I'm just letting you know I've kinda lost motivation for writing. I promise I'm not going to stop writing this cause I know how it feels to be left at a good part of a fanfic, but updates will be a bit less frequent. I'm really sorry y'all <3 -Idiot)

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz