Too late

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Something had felt off ever since the pool incident. You couldn't enjoy heaven as much as you wanted to. It was gnawing at the back of your mind constantly. You knew it was probably nothing but that didn't stop you from worrying. The glitches, the overly happy demeanor of everyone. It didn't seem right. You were a bit worried. It want like you wanted to be in danger after working so hard to get to heaven in the first place. Something was definitely off and you wanted to figure it out before it was too late.


I've been in "heaven" longer than I can remember. I was so excited when they told me I'd been good enough for paradise. But I got sent here. This isn't heaven. This is sugar-coated torture. Pretty hell. Staying in character is part of the job. I've known too many people I cared about who broke character and got dragged off to who knows where. These people, these new angels seem like such nice people. But they don't know what they've gotten themselves into. I really wish I could get myself out of this place, but the only way to do that if is someone figured out how to crumble the system. If the system crumbles, everyone is free. Sadly, that isn't happening anytime soon. They're always watching, always listening. There's nothing we can do.

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