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They lost Mags, they lost two morphlings, they felt like they lost a piece of themselves.

"Why would they sacrifice themselves?" Peeta and Annie asked as the morphlings were being carried out by the hovercraft.

"You think they sacrificed themselves?" Esmeralda asked.

"I don't know" Peeta answered.

"But it looked like it" Annie added.

Esmeralda, Katniss, Annie, Finnick, Peeta, Dom, and Haymitch all sat down on the beach right before the entrance of the jungle. Finnick had wanted to clear his mind, knowing that the woman who had took care of him raised him and made him the man he was, was gone and the last thing he heard from her was the sound of the cannon. While clearing his head he had went into the water messing with his trident and catching fish. Esmeralda knew that the best thing to do for him was give him space, but she was going to eventually try to talk to him.

All seven of them were finishing eating, and Peeta had taken a pearl out from a clam and giving it to Katniss.

After everyone ate, Finnick walked into the water and just looked out to the edge of the arena, and was followed by Esmeralda.



"I know you never want to talk about anything but I want to make sure you're okay or at least not pushing everything down"

"I'm trying to not loose focus"

"I know Nick, just please process everything in a good way"

Finnick looked like he was going to respond but stopped before he could. Then all of a sudden, they heard victors coming out the the forest.

"JOHANNA" Finnick yelled running toward the 4 victors to come out the forest.

"Looks like we have more allies" Peeta said, and Esmeralda realized that this was going to be harder, harder to run away from. She was stuck in her spot in fear of what's to come and the sight of so much blood on the four victors.

Johanna came out of the forest with Beetee, Wiress, and Flora.

"We were in the middle of the forest in a cave where I thought we would be safe, and it started raining, raining hot boiling blood. We started running, but that's when Blight and Mat hit the force field." Johanna let out a well needed rant.

"They weren't much but they were from home" she finishes up her thoughts.

"Tick tock" Wiress said out loud.

"Do you have water?" Beetee asked.

"No but we can get some" Dom answered.

"Tick tock" Wiress continued.

"What's going on? Why does she keep saying that?" Annie asked.

"She's been saying that since Blight and Mat the wall" Flora answered.

"Tick tock" Wiress moved over to Johanna, grabbing her and pulling her, seeming like she wanted her to understand.

"YES TICK TOCK TICK TOCK. JUST SHUT UP ALREADY" Johanna yelled pulling her and throwing her trying to get Wiress off of her.

"Hey hey hey leave her alone" Katniss yelled and pulled Johanna back.

"What are you doing?" Johanna yelled at Katniss. Haymitch, Peeta, and Finnick pulled the female victors apart.

"I SAVED THEM FOR YOU AND ES" Johanna yelled while walking off with Finnick.

That seemed to snap Esmeralda out of her state of fear.

"What do you mean for us?" Katniss asked to no one in particular.

"I mean you two did want them as allies" Peeta told her.

Katniss was sitting in the ocean cleaning up Wiress while Esmeralda was helping Flora.

Flora was shaken up, and just need help with staying still after what happened in the cave. Wiress on the other hand was in shock.

Dom and Peeta went to go get water for Beetee, Wiress,  Johanna, and Flora.

Wiress was still saying Tick Tock over and over again that Johanna couldn't handle it. Esmeralda had finished helping Flora, so they walked back to the beach leaving Katniss and Wiress in the water.

Esmeralda walked over to Johanna, they both stood there for a while before Esmeralda asked Johanna how she was"

"Really Es that's what you ask" Johanna asked.

"I don't know what else to start with"

"This sucks" Johanna stated.

"Don't I know it" Esmeralda said and Johanna chuckled.

"It's ironic just a little bit if you think about it, both you and I being here. I didn't listen to Snow and he got rid of everything I cared about. I have nothing and I'm in here with nothing. And you outed the Capitol in the games, so Snow isolated and took everything you cared about you. You have very little you care about now, so he put you in here so that very little can turn into nothing. So either way Es you and I have nothing.

"This fucking sucks" Esmeralda said leaning her head on Johanna's shoulder.

"Yes it does Mrs. Odiar yes it does" Johanna leaned her head on Esmeralda's head.

"Finnick and I are not engaged or married that's Peeta and Katniss"

"Oh I know but that ring on your finger is a step closer in that direction" Johanna says as both women look out at the water and the line of the forest.

Katniss figured out what Wiress was trying to say, that the whole arena was like a clock with a new threat coming to each sector everything hour.

All 11 victors were on the Cornucopia coming up with a plan and getting new weapons and gear for the rest of the games.

As they were getting there weapons, they heard a cannon go off and they turned around to see Cashmere taking out a knife from Wiress, now, lifeless body. Beetee letting out a soft cry seeing the women he loves fall into the water.

But before Cashmere could get up Esmeralda threw a knife right at his heart causing another cannon to go off and him hitting the water. Before they knew it the rest of the Careers were coming straight at them. Katniss shot an arrow and Enobria, but missed because she jumped into the water. Esmeralda pulled Annie down and Johanna did the same to Katniss before Gloss could throw a mini axe at them.

Finnick threw his trident at her and another cannon went off. He helped the girls up while Dom was fighting another victor from district 8 and Haymitch as protecting Beetee from a district 5 victor.

Before they all have a time to think the cornucopia starts spinning. Annie, Flora, Haymitch, and Beetee are closer to the middle of the cornucopia, so they aren't being thrown around as hard. But Johanna, Katniss, Peeta, Esmeralda, Dom, and Finnick are holding on to the rock while dodging weapons that are falling near the edge of the cornucopia.

Johanna uses her axe to create a better anchor for herself and Katniss, while Dom is holding on to Esmeralda and Finnick holding on to Peeta.

"Hold on Es, please" Dom yells to Esmeralda.

"Dom I can't" she yells back.

"Please Es"

"It's okay"

"No it's not, I'm not loosing you"

But right after Dom said that, the gamemakers started spinning the Cornucopia faster. And both Katniss and Esmeralda were taken into the water, and then the cornucopia stopped shorting after that.

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