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"THE kid was a beast today."

I tried my best to ignore the conversation going on to my left, but the two men spoke at an obnoxious volume. The ramen bar I chose was only a ten-minute walk from the event I just attended but a twenty-minute drive from my apartment. I scrolled through the Uber app, grimacing at the surcharges for after ten pm.

"Are you ready to order ma'am?"

I look up from my phone and nod to the bartender across from me.

"Yes, please. I'll just have your paitan ramen." I smile while handing over the double sided menu. She nods and walks away with the menu to put the order in. Once she's gone I look back down at my phone and sigh.

I had been stressed since I woke up, forgetting to set my alarm and tripping over my cat's tail to prevent me stepping on her tabby body. Then came the hours of writing I hoped to do today, working towards the deadline that seemed to be running full force right at me, just to get nothing done. My laptop broke one hour into writing, successfully ending any work I hoped to get done. Then I spent the afternoon hours calling every Best Buy in the greater Boston area in hopes of getting it fixed just to be met with zero appointments and deflated hope.

My day did albeit get slightly better with the book signing I just had. Getting to see and speak to readers is such a surreal and new experience. It's out-of-body level almost, and I successfully fake it until I make it.

I'm brought out of my thoughts with the scrape of a bar stool to my right. For it being ten pm on a Monday night the bar is pretty full—to my disappointment. After three hours of extroverted conversations, I was dying for an introverted evening.

I go to look up and make room for the person next to me but am met with a wall of blue. A man's back is to my face, a large muscle-tensed back, from my immediate observation. I still attempt to move my stool aside for him, forcing myself not to gawk too long like a lunatic.

The man slides into the stool with a swiftness I didn't think was possible for someone his size. Not only does he tower over me but he's got wide shoulders and thighs that stretch his black straight jeans to their seams.

I look away as he sits down, noticing a baseball cap angled down over his face. I figured he doesn't want to be bothered and I can't blame him. If I had a larger social battery I might have attempted a pleasant conversation but not tonight.

"Yea the way he and Wells played today was killer. This season is gonna be good I just know it..." The conversation next to me fades as a waitress comes with food.

My ramen comes soon after, giving me a distraction from the giant to my side. I dive in immediately, my stomach growling at the flavor-rich broth as it enters my tastebuds. Whenever I eat, I drown everything out and become one with my food.

I fucking love food. Especially ramen, I think I'd eat myself to death with this stuff. Along with the hot bowl, I ordered myself a gin and tonic to help the day roll off of me.

When I was fresh out of undergrad I had a hard time doing things alone. After four years of living with three girls who did everything together, starting life solo was tough. I often felt like I had to continue ordering in rather than going out because I had no one to accompany me.

That wasn't the case anymore.

I find going out by myself peaceful, relaxing and fulfilling. I get to eat my food or enjoy a drink and people watch, with the occasional conversation with a stranger.

I reach for the drink in front of me and I'm mid-sip when I feel a cold stare on the side of my face. Turning I meet the eyes of the stranger to my right and almost forget how to breathe.

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