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HE paid for us both.

I eye the man in front of me, realizing I don't even know his name. He turns to look at me, pulling his hat lower. Now that we're outside the bustling bar it's almost like he's anxious about something.

"You live close?" I ask.

I sent a quick text to Ayana, my best friend who has my location, telling her I'm hooking up with a guy from a bar. She told me to be safe and text her if I need an out—I love her.

"Yea, let's go." He reaches out to me and I respond by giving him my hand.

He's warm, really warm.

"How far?" I question, trying to tamper down the heat of desire that's flowing through my veins at this very moment. From the moment he asked for the check we've eyed one another like we can't wait to close the distance and I couldn't help the disappointment when he hadn't attempted to kiss me yet.

But at the same time, I'm glad he hasn't. I'd rather save the fucking for privacy and not a borderline public indecency charge.

"Five-minute walk. Are you good with that princess?" He looks back at me with a smirk and I tense.

"Don't call me that." I squeeze his hand in an attempt at retaliation. He ignores me with a laugh, a laugh that's deep and dark.

Five minutes, just five minutes.

We walk in complete silence, both of us overly focused on getting to the apartment. I notice he's walking toward one of the newer apartment buildings and can't help but make the assumption that he's completely loaded. Anyone who lives in this area and can still afford to go out to eat must be making some comfortable money.

He doesn't scream money but he does scream subtle self-care which is a big ask these days. His clothes are simple but wrinkle-free. He must wear expensive cologne because the smell has invited me in like a siren from the moment he sat down. And though his hair is long it's perfectly groomed.

I look him over once more, he's definitely in shape. The broad shoulders and thick rolls of muscle on his arms tell that to me. I wonder if he's some sort of personal trainer, or maybe athletic. I can't seem to really care about the how, more concerned about reaping the benefits.

"This one." He points to a sky-rise building, flashy mirrored walls, and alarmingly out of my salary. It's gorgeous.

I follow him to the building, tugging my purse higher up my shoulder as he opens the door for me. As I pass my shoulder brushes his chest and the muscles there tense. I hear him breathe out like he's straining himself.

I smile to myself.

We entered the lobby with a few security and reception workers. They both perk up when they see the tall man at my side like they've been waiting for him. I watch as they smile and look almost nervous.

Who is this guy?

I turn to look at him and voice my question but he's already tugging me forward.

He ignores them, heading straight for the elevators. None of them say anything which makes me believe that they have to know him, allowing him to pass with no problem.

When we approach the elevator my nerves spike knowing how close we are. He taps the button and we wait.

It's like there's a thick wall of smog around us, suffocating each breath. We barely touch now and I wonder if it's for his own restraint.

The elevator arrives moments later and I follow him in. The ride is torturous but quick and I take note that he selects the top floor.

This man has a fucking penthouse. Holy shit.

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