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IT was different walking into the building alone.

The lobby was just as quiet as before with polished floors, a doorman, and two receptionists at the front desk. Normally I wasn't an anxious person, but doing things like this was a bit out of my league.

Fake it till you make it.

"Hi, I believe a key was left for me." I approach the desk, and the blonde behind the counter sends a questioning look my way. "From Levi Mills." Saying his full name felt wrong like I shouldn't know it.

A look of recognition crosses her features and she reaches for something under the desk.

"Oh of course! He said you'd be coming. Here you go." She smiles, handing over a round plastic key. New technology made it so modern apartment buildings forwent a metal key with ridges and adapted to tap and unlock connivance.

Sending one more appreciative smile to the receptionist, I make my way to the elevators.

My palms are sweaty while I watch the numbers of the floors go on up, all the way to the top. Before we reach the penthouse I send Levi a DM saying I'm almost up.

He likes the message right as the elevator opens.

I wondered why I'd need a key if he was home. It would've been easier for him to just tell them to let me up. Maybe he wasn't here yet or thought I'd get here first. The time read 10:35 when I reached his door, so if he wasn't here I'd mentally add it to an imaginary checklist of how many asshole moves he pulled in one night.

Even though I tap the key and swallow my nerves I still knock.

"Hello? I'm here," I announce stepping across the threshold.

As opposed to the other night the apartment is lit p, smelling of spices and a recently cooked dinner. I hear faint music playing from down the hall and follow it slowly. I don't see any sign of Levi in any of the front rooms.

The living room reflects the state of someone who spent little time there. The sofa was completely sit-mark-free and the folded blankets were articulately placed. It was like no one lived there. I counted down the hallway.

Without the rush of a warm body behind me and lips trailing my neck, I could take in each room.

There was some sort of office with the door ajar, which looked more lived in than the rest. He had papers covering the desk and an open laptop. I even noticed what looked like a journal.

The completely invasive part of my brain was curious but the completely logical and ethical part kept moving forward. By the time I read the end of the hallway, the source of the music was coming from his bedroom, and as I entered more specifically the bathroom.

Faint sounds of water splashing fed through the door. His phone sat on the nightstand, an unfamiliar song displayed on the Home Screen.

I dropped my purse next to it, discarding my shoes at the foot of the bed, and padded my way to the bathroom door.

"Levi?" One knock on the door and it's swinging open.

The first thing I notice is he's completely naked, water dripping from every inch of his body. And the second thing I notice is his smirk.

"You made it." He said as a matter of fact.

"Im good with directions," keeping my eyes above his waist I feel myself get a whole lot hotter.

I mean he's breathtaking. Every inch of him is a reflection of his hard work. He's hard in places he should be, every muscle bulging out like it's screaming for help. His face is trimmed from the last time I saw him, making him look even better.

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