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The midwife presents the newborn twins and delivers devastating news of his wife's passing.
"She didn't make it," she says softly, her voice heavy with grief.

Eldryst's heart clenches with unbearable pain. Staggering backwards, he struggles to comprehend the enormity of his loss.

"What shall we name them?" the midwife asks gently, a lifeline in the sea of despair.

He responded. His voice choked with reverence as he named his first son.
The midwife smiles.

"And the second?"

"Azazel," Eldryst whispers.
She was shocked.

"Surely that doesn't mean anything good.''

Eldryst shakes his head in shock.
   "I know what I see."

Suddenly, a searing pain grips Eldryst's chest, stealing his breath away.

As the midwife rushes to his side, Eldryst's world fades to black, leaving behind his newborn sons and a world forever changed by tragedy.


Growing up amidst the village's care and support, Caluth and Azazel flourished. They partook in lively festivals, ingraining themselves within the community, and becoming intimately acquainted with its people and traditions. Their fondness for the village deepened over time, a testament to the enduring connection forged through shared experiences and the unbreakable ties of kinship.

As time passed, Azazel garnered admiration in the village for his captivating looks and charms, while Caluth found financial success. This divergence fueled jealousy, and the once-close brothers grew apart, each forging a distinct path.

Azazel, influenced by the villagers' admiration, became increasingly obsessed with himself and his power. His desire for worship grew, likely fueled by the adulation he received. Eventually, Azazel ventured far beyond Rachiville, crossing borders into an entirely different land.

In this foreign land, Azazel encountered the devil, striking a deal that bestowed upon him God-like powers. As part of the devil's gift, Azazel was granted a kingdom near the outskirts; a realm named Azurath. This newfound kingdom possessed magical qualities, with its people destined to grow in power and magical abilities. Here, Azazel became the revered king, worshipped by his people for the extraordinary gifts bestowed upon them.       

In the stillness of the night, as the moon cast its silvery glow upon the village of Rachiville, Caluth found himself enveloped in a profound sense of peace. As he lay on his bed, drifting into a peaceful slumber, a vivid and otherworldly presence enveloped him. The air seemed to shimmer with ethereal light, and he found himself transported to a realm of divine splendour.

Surrounded by a celestial glow, Caluth stood in awe within a radiant chamber. The walls seemed to pulsate with a gentle luminescence, and he felt an overwhelming sense of reverence in the presence of a higher being. Before him stood the Christian God, a figure of immense majesty, cloaked in divine light that seemed to cascade like cascading waterfalls.

The voice that echoed within Caluth's soul was like the harmonious symphony of a thousand angelic choirs. It resonated with a depth of wisdom and compassion that seemed to penetrate to the core of his being.

"Caluth Mateo,"

Boomed the divine voice, gentle yet commanding.
"I have chosen you for a great purpose, for I have prepared a kingdom for you near the borders that divide Rachiville, from Mavahk. In this new kingdom, your people will accomplish wonders beyond imagination."

Stunned and humbled, Caluth dropped to his knees, unable to fathom the magnitude of the encounter. "But, Lord," he stammered, his voice trembling with awe, "why me? I am but a simple man, with no knowledge of ruling or kingdoms."

God's presence enveloped him in a warm embrace of reassurance. "Fear not, my son," the voice echoed, wrapping around him like a blanket of love. "Within you lies the wisdom and strength to lead. Trust in your heart, and I shall guide you on this path."

As the divine message reverberated within him, Caluth's heart swelled with a profound sense of purpose and determination. He felt an inexplicable surge of confidence and assurance that he was indeed chosen for something greater than he could have ever imagined.

Throughout the encounter, the chamber seemed to dance with a kaleidoscope of colours, reflecting the celestial majesty of the God before him. It was as if the walls themselves were alive with the essence of creation, a testament to the profound connection between the mortal and the divine.

As the encounter drew to a close, God bestowed upon Caluth a radiant vision of the kingdom – a place where beauty and harmony coalesced, where love and unity thrived, and where the hearts of the people beat as one.

When Caluth awakened, bathed in the soft glow of the morning sun, he felt an overwhelming sense of purpose coursing through his veins. He shared the divine message with his beloved wife, Almira, who listened with wide-eyed wonder, sensing the significance of the encounter.

From that moment onward, the journey of Caluth and Almira took on a profound sense of divine guidance. Their faith and trust in the Lord's plan became the guiding light that led them through the trials and tribulations of their five-year journey, as they traversed diverse landscapes and encountered souls both kind and benevolent.

As they ventured closer to their destined kingdom, the celestial vision of the Kingdom remained etched in their hearts, a beacon of hope that illuminated their path. The people they encountered along the way sensed a divine aura surrounding the couple.

In their hearts, the people knew that they were building the kingdom for their true king and queen- which was already established in a prophecy. The labour of love and devotion they poured into constructing the grand palace and preparing for the coronation bore witness to their faith in the divine plan.

Caluth and Almira finally arrived. A land separated by the crystal-clear river that symbolized the division between Mavahk and Rachiville.
The kingdom was situated on the outskirts of Rachiville near the crystal-clear river.

As they stepped into the kingdom, their hearts brimming with anticipation and wonder, little did they know that the grandest chapter of their tale was about to unfold. Guided by the divine presence they had encountered, they were destined to face challenges and triumphs that would shape the destiny of the kingdom and reveal the true nature of the brothers' shared and intertwining destinies.

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