6: Shadows of pursuit | DAY TWO

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Yen exclaimed, the sharp thud of her cranium meeting the bed head echoing in the opulent chamber.
As the sting subsided, she found herself draped in an exquisite ball gown.

"Well ... That's one way to be awakened." She muttered, rubbing her forehead.
"I wonder how I got back into my room."
The gentle rustle of the luxurious fabric and the lingering scent of roses lingered in the air, promoting Yen's curiosity to guide her steps. The lavish bathroom beckoned, illuminated by the soft glow of moonlight.

Her bathrobe, embroidered with her name, hung elegantly in her closet.

"Well, well, a personalized touch," she remarked with a smile.
She then proceeded to select a delicate gown, placing it out on her well-dressed bed.

As she entered the bathroom and began to undress, the memory of the unexpected pain resurfaced.
"Seems this day is determined to keep me on my toes."

The bathrobe, bearing her name, hung elegantly as Yen moved towards the tub. The warm water invited her to immerse herself in its soothing depth.

Suddenly without warning, a sudden pain pierced her head.
"By the gods, what is this? "She exclaimed, gripping the sides of the tub.
"A sudden headache, and not the pleasant kind." She groaned.

The sensation was relentless, a throbbing crescendo that threatened to engulf her. It felt as if a thousand ethereal needles were pricking her mind. Clutching to the sides of the tub, she cried out, the echo of her anguish resonating in the chamber. Yen groaned, attempting to make sense of the unexpected pain. Wasn't a mere throbbing, it was a kaleidoscope of pulsating waves, a symphony of agony orchestrating a discordant dance within the confines of her skull.

As the pain persisted, a distant voice reverberated, calling her name with urgency.
"Yen, Yen." The words echoed, distorting into an almost maddening cadence.
The hazy images in her mind coalesced, revealing a figure she didn't expect.
_ Her friend Jayel.

"Jayel?" Yen exclaimed, her voice tinged with excitement and surprise.

"Is that... Truly you?" she added, her eyes widening with a hint of disbelief, yet curiosity lingered in her gaze as she continued to submerge herself deeper into the tub.

"Yen, I've been trying to reach you for days," Jayel replied, her tone carrying a weight of worry.

"My telepathic abilities, have been quite affected by distance," Yen said shortly.

A moment of silence hung between them, the water rippling gently as Yen processed the unexpected connection. Her thoughts were as intricate as the patterns that adorned the royal chambers.

"How've you been?" Jayel finally asked, her concern palpable through the ethereal link.

Yen sighed, the warmth of the bathwater offering a stark contrast to the complexities of the situation. "Jayel, it's been an extraordinary night!"

"I find myself in a place of unknowns," she continued, a smile playing on her lips. "How about you?"

As Yen delved into the recounting of her experiences in the palace of Almira, her excitement radiated through every word. She spoke of the dresses that seemed to dance with the very essence of elegance, the special treatment that made her feel like a celestial being, and the grandeur of the royal court that embraced her like a long-lost kin.

"Almira has become a whirlwind of joy for me," Yen shared, her voice carrying a sense of awe and exaggeration. "The hospitality is beyond measure as if each corner of this majestic place competes to outshine the other in welcoming me with open arms. I've been enveloped by the grace of the royal court, the exquisite feasts that would make the gods jealous, and the opulent chambers that seem to tell tales of centuries past in the most splendid exaggeration."

In her narration, Yen momentarily forgot about the urgent connection with Jayel. The prince, however, was a contrasting thread in the narrative. Her expression turned slightly theatrical as she continued, "Though I must admit, the prince is yet to warm up to me, and I am not sure I even want him to. He is quite arrogant."

The words tumbled out, carried away by the current of her overjoyed storytelling, until a pause finally allowed her to remember the urgent matter at hand.

"But enough about my spellbinding sojourn in Almira," Yen chuckled, refocusing on Jayel. "I've been prattling on without asking about you. What's been happening back home, my dearest friend?"


"Do you truly not care about me, Yen?" Jayel's voice held a tinge of hurt, the undercurrent of frustration simmering beneath her words.

"What do you mean by this, Jayel?" Yen responded her excitement momentarily giving way to confusion.

Jayel's frustration surfaced as she spoke, "You just left, Yen. No proper farewell, or explanation. It's as if you left Azurath without a trace, leaving me to wonder if our years of friendship meant anything to you."

Yen's expression shifted, realizing the impact of her sudden departure on Jayel. "Jayel, you know our friendship means the world to me. But the circumstances were complicated, and I had to seize the opportunity that presented itself."

"You could have at least told me earlier; we would have cooked up a better plan, that involves us both." Jayel retorted, her frustration deepening.
"We've faced challenges together, Yen. We're friends ... or at least, I thought we were."

Yen sighed, "Jayel, believe me, I didn't mean to hurt you. The situation demanded quick action, and I was swept into the currents of events beyond my control."

Jayel's anger lingered, and she continued, "Friends communicate, Yen. You didn't even consider how worried I might be, how betrayed I felt when you left."

"I'm sorry, Jayel. I truly am," Yen said earnestly, a note of regret in her voice. "But there's so much at stake here, and I needed to act swiftly. I never intended to leave you in the dark."

Jayel's frustration began to soften, replaced by a sense of resignation.
"Just remember, Yen, actions have consequences. You can't expect to leave without a word and not face repercussions."

Yen nodded, understanding the weight of Jayel's words.

Before Jayel could say more, she uttered a message;
"My friend, you have been quite blessed with enchanted gifts. You have so many, yet you refuse to take the time to uncover them. Remember the advice your parents gave you as a child, and you will be able to escape from the evil ones who seek you."

Yen, intrigued and determined, asked, "What do you mean, Jayel... What evil ones?"

"Yen, I believe I have said enough. Figure the rest out yourself. I shall take my leave now before anyone thinks of me as demented."

Jayel remaining silent after, ended the conversation. Leaving Yen both confused and worried.

After the ethereal link was broken, she decided to take a much-needed nap.

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