5: Shadows of pursuit | DAY ONE

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As Azazel's guards entered the bustling streets of Almira, the energy of market vendors and lively chatter filled the air. Eldrick and Thorne weaved through the crowd, marvelling at its vibrancy.

Thorne grinned. "Looks like quite the change from Azurath, huh, ?"

Eldrick, eyes wide, nodded. "Definitely! So many people, so much happening."

Their journey led them to Elias's fruit stand, where an array of colourful fruits tempted passersby.

Elias, with a warm smile on his face, welcomed the guards. "Greetings, travellers! Fancy a taste of Almira's finest fruits?"

Thorne chuckled. "Absolutely! We've heard tales of your yummy fruits."

As Elias handed them samples, Thorne's eyes widened. "These are amazing! Better than the stories, even."

Elias beamed. "Glad you like them! Enjoy, my friends."

After savouring the delicious Aurora Blossoms," the guards engaged Elias in conversation.

Thorne, looking around the city, asked, "Sir, we're new here, and we could use a place to stay. Any recommendations?"

Elias, rubbing his chin thoughtfully, said, "Well, how about this: I've got a spare room, and I could use some strong hands in my stand. How about a deal? Room and board in return for helping me here."

Eldrick's eyes lit up. "That sounds perfect! Thank you so much, Elias."

Thorne, however, pulled Eldrick aside, his expression serious. "Hold on, Eldrick. Let's not agree too fast. We can't spend our time helping him in his shop; we have a week to find Yen."

Thorne hesitated, torn between the offer and their mission. After a brief discussion, Eldrick and Thorne approached Elias.

"We appreciate your offer, Elias," Thorne said, "but we're on a tight schedule. How about a compromise? We'll help you only a few hours every day, and in return, you'll let us stay."

Elias, understanding the urgency, nodded. "Fair enough. Welcome aboard."

Yen, now under the benevolent protection of Princess Serafina, explored the market, her heart lightened by freedom.

Princess Serafina, resplendent in royal attire, strolled alongside Yen, engaging in lively banter with market sellers. The air was filled with the sweet fragrance of Starlight Berries and the tangy aroma of Moonfire Citrus, the tasty fruits that Yen had chosen.

Amidst the lively exchange, a spirited argument erupted between a rider of the royal carriage and a disgruntled merchant. The tension escalated, drawing attention from the onlookers, including Eldrick and Thorne.

As the commotion unfolded, Princess Serafina intervened, her words calming the dispute. Yen observed the princess with admiration, thankful for the friendship that had blossomed between them.

Meanwhile, Eldrick, busy arranging fruits in Elias's stand, caught a glimpse of Yen but failed to recognize her in her transformed appearance. The princess called for Yen, creating a momentary distraction.

"Yen, could you help me select the finest RedGrapes? We're hosting a gathering tonight," the princess requested.

Yen, delighted by the task, joined the princess in selecting the exquisite fruits. As they conversed, Eldrick's attention was drawn to Yen, his instincts tingling with familiarity, yet unable to grasp the connection. The princess's laughter resonated through the marketplace, creating a harmonious backdrop to the unfolding drama.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐥𝐦𝐢𝐫𝐚Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz