9: ❧ Love? Count me out.

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"I have every right to be angry!"

Yen had just awakened and was confronted by Prince Azrael- who paced about the balcony.

"But I told you it's nothing." Yen lied.
"And what is that supposed to mean." He pestered, trying to regain composure.

" Like I said earlier; I wish not to talk about it, but you keep insisting!"
She shrieked.
A brief moment of silence followed- he had never seen her this way; stressed out, red hot.

She looks like a tomato.

"You caused my pain"
"Severe pain" He added, breaking the silence.
Realizing what he meant, guilt pierced through her conscience- it blamed her.

But there's no way I'm giving up now. I can't possibly ruin my chances of freedom.

"The headaches, the vision of you...
The voice echoing through the walls of my mind, disrupting my innermost self...My peace?"

"You're telling me you had nothing to do with any of it?" Azrael asked, not believing a word she uttered.

Why so adamant? Jumping to the conclusion I'm the cause of the vision.

Yen thought, confused as to why he even suspected her in the first place.

"Are you - a witch?"

"Look at me when I speak to you!" The prince demanded of Yen, who no longer faced him; afraid he might be able to get the truth, just by looking into her eyes.

The eyes truly, are a window into the soul.

"Nn-o." She stammered.

" Then who are you?"
"What are you."

"I am Yen."
"Yen... Who?" He asked.

"I have no idea. I'm just Yen."

How possible is that? Prince Azrael thought.

"Who is your father?"
Why do I care? It's her personal life after all. He thought after getting no answer whatsoever.

I have no idea.

"Back to the issue at hand... I can see you're proving stubborn."

" You had visions of me- quite vivid I suppose. But trust me I have no hands in it." Yen responded.

" I do not trust you." The prince countered bitterly.
"Well, neither do I."

"But Your Highness, YOU had the vision, not me."
"How does one control what the other thinks." She added.

The prince unsatisfied with her reply, shifted his gaze to the beautiful view before him.
Maybe I'm just being paranoid.
"You may leave now."

"Your Highness."

"Yes, Caesarie."
"Apologies for the interruption, but your attention is urgently needed at the throne room. Guests await your presence." She panted.

"Guests, you say?"
" Very well then, I shall make my way there shortly. I just need to take care of a few things."

"As you wish, Your Highness."

Caesarie bowed and retreated, leaving the prince with a thoughtful expression.
He then looked around but couldn't find Yen, she was long gone.

" Where's Serafina."


"May I have a word."
Said the prince to his sister who was very engrossed in a book she was reading.
The Art of War and Peace.

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