7: Shadows of pursuit - secrets?

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"Why do they always leave me?" Serafina sighed, expressing her concern about the disappearance of Yen.

Prince Azrael, placing a comforting hand on his sister's shoulder, reassured her, "Don't worry, Sera. The guards know what they're doing, but let's not let this overshadow the day. Enjoy the celebration."

As he offered solace to his sister, the king, aware of the unsettling situation, decided to make an address. Calling everyone to the royal lounge, he urged them to continue enjoying the day and to not let the incident affect their mood.

In a solemn yet determined tone, the king instructed the workers to remain vigilant and keep a watchful eye. He directed the security to conduct thorough searches of everyone entering the royal palace. Turning to his children, he advised them not to leave the palace, entrusting their maids to keep an eye on them.

In a moment of heartfelt sincerity, the king urged Serafina to pray to the almighty for intervention and asked Azrael to remain vigilant.

"I know she is a stranger, but the day Serafina welcomed her, I made a promise to myself to keep her safe... As I would keep my children safe," he declared.

With these words resonating in the air, the meeting concluded, leaving a sombre atmosphere hanging over the royal castle.

Under the luminous glow of the full moon, the royal courtyard came alive with a vibrant celebration. Prince Azrael, accompanied by his long-lost friends, Elric and Roderick, immersed themselves in the lively atmosphere. Laughter and camaraderie echoed as they shared jokes and tales of their respective adventures.

"Azrae, my friend, you've been scarce. Where have you been hiding?" Elric teased, patting the prince on the shoulder.

He laughed, "Busy with the royal duties, Elric. Unlike some people, I can't just ship off to Tibettae or immerse myself in the science of creatures."

Roderick, who had ventured to Tibettae, couldn't contain his excitement. "You have no idea what you're missing my friend! Tibettae is a realm of wonders. The people, the cultures, the women - it's like a whole different world."

Azrael raised an eyebrow, feigning nonchalance.
"Oh, do tell. What's so special about the women of Tibettae?"

Roderick grinned mischievously.
"They have a way of charming you."
"With their eyes, my friend. It's like being ensnared by a spell, but a delightful one," he added.

Elric interjected with a laugh, "And you, Adrian, have been stuck here dealing with courtly affairs. I'd choose the enchantment of Tibettae any day."

Meanwhile, Isabella and her friend engaged in animated conversation. Isabella's friend, Ariona, had been away for ages, mastering the art of riding a newly discovered breed of horse- The Nebulavolt. As they both gisted, each passionate about their chosen companions.

Back inside the palace, Princess Serafina remained in solitude, gazing out of the window. The laughter and joy from the courtyard seemed a distant melody as she grappled with her thoughts. Bimbo entered with a gentle knock.

"Your Highness, the night is alive with celebration. It's time to join the festivities," she urged, her eyes reflecting concern for the princess.

"Let me be, It's just another royal activity." The princess groaned, not wanting to be disturbed.

The maid, with a reassuring smile, proceeded to open the door.
"Your Highness, this is quite unlike you."
She spoke.
" Well, things change now ... Don't they?" The princess asked, still a bit frustrated by Bimbo's presence.

"Well... hiding in here won't help find your friend now, will it??"
"Don't you dare speak about her!" Princess Serafina said as she stood to her feet." "Your Highness?" Bimbo gasped, shocked by Sera's sudden expression.

"I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to raise my voice at you."
" It's just...Sometimes, the revelry outside feels like a world apart. A world where I don't quite belong. I seem so happy and joyous, but deep down I have no one." The princess sobbed.

Bimbo advised Sera,
"Don't speak in such a manner. You have a family. It's not about the quantity of those around you, but the quality of the relationships you form with them. I understand you miss Yen, but don't let that overwhelm you."

"What if she doesn't come back like the rest? What if she's left me... We didn't even get to have a proper conversation. To... Know ourselves." She added.

"Be positive, my dear. Cheer up! People are asking about you okay??"

With a final glance at the moonlit courtyard, Seraphina, now dressed in an evening gown, reluctantly, went with Bimbo.

"We've done it... Finally." Thorne said to Eldrick as they rode in a carriage with Yen, who was in a sack bag, along with the other goods that were going to the market that evening.

"The king will be so happy that we were able to find her in only 3 days," Eldrick said, giggling hysterically.

"Who knows...he'll probably even give us a promotion."

"So, from here... We drop off at the market and go to our place of residence. We'll stay there for the night, and very early tomorrow we journey to Azurath." Thorne said excitingly as he reviewed the plan.

In the dimly lit carriage filled with market goods, Yen felt the weight of distress settling upon her as she overheard the guards discussing their plan to transport her away from Almira.
"Oh, my goodness, I'm in a hot mess."
"How could I be so careless?" Her mind raced with worry as she grappled with the imminent challenges ahead.

Fearing the repercussions of her predicament, Yen recalled her friend Jayel's vague message, which offered little guidance. Feeling a sense of desperation, she decided to reach out to Prince Adrian through telepathy, defying Jayel's warnings about the potential risks involved.

As Yen exerted herself in an attempt to establish a telepathic connection, beads of sweat formed on her forehead. The strain of the endeavour intensified, culminating in a sudden, excruciating pain that pierced through her head. The intensity of the sensation made it feel as if a thousand ethereal needles were pricking her mind.

Simultaneously, unbeknownst to Yen, the prince experienced an unexpected and agonizing headache. The pain started subtly, gradually intensifying until it became an overwhelming crescendo of throbbing waves. Prince Azrael, shocked by the sudden onset, clutched his head as those around him grew increasingly alarmed.

The people in the vicinity rushed to his aid, their concern palpable. The royal physician, present at the event, swiftly approached him. The headache had become so unbearable that in a moment of agony, the prince inadvertently broke a glass with his bare hands, drawing attention to the severity of his pain.

The physician, assessing the situation, recommended that the prince be escorted to his chambers for much-needed rest. Once secluded in the privacy of his room, the maids carefully undressed Prince Adrian, dressing him in comfortable robes to alleviate the distress caused by the persistent headache.

In the solitude of his chamber, Yen's voice reached out to Azrael in a vision, a plea echoing through the corridors of his slumber. "Please help me." she implored, her words carrying an urgency that stirred him from his restful state.

Startled by the vividness of the vision, Azrael recognized the familiar surroundings that aligned with the reality Yen was thrust into, and without hesitation, he left the palace and mounted his horse, riding into the stillness of dawn.

Prince Azrael rode through the awakening city, the rhythmic clip-clop of hooves punctuating the late-night air. His journey led him to the bustling market, where the guards, engrossed in their revelry, remained oblivious to his presence.

Seizing the opportune moment, he infiltrated the carriage of the goods, extracting Yen with a fluid yet careful motion. The sudden transition from the dimly lit market to the soft morning light caught Yen off guard, and a soft "Ouch" escaped her lips as she adjusted to the abrupt rescue.

"Your Highness, is that you?" Yen's voice resonated with relief as he gently pulled her from the concealment beneath the carriage. Without hesitation, they mounted the horse and swiftly departed from the market.

"You have a lot of explaining to do," he said. Shortly after, without responding, she fell asleep on his back.

"Like always..." Azrael said as he carried her in his arms while placing his horse in its stable, and locking it up.

"The prince threw in an apple, " I wonder when next I'll see you, again.''

With caution he entered Yen's chamber, placing her gently on the bed.

"See you later." curtseying to the sleeping body. Finally, at peace, the spirit of slumber possessed him.

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