008. Please, Do Talk About Me When I'm Gone

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Rachel huffed as she pushed the large crate into Spencer's living room. Aria helped her while she did.

"I was afraid she wouldn't get it done in time for the memorial." Aria commented.

"And this was someone from your Mom's gallery?" Hanna questioned.

"Right." Aria replied.

"Where is your Mom?" Emily asked the girl.

"There's an apartment above the gallery, so she's staying there." Aria explained.

"That's kind of weird, isn't it?" Hanna "Your Mom moving out." Hanna said as she flipped through a magazine.

"Yeah, like my Dad should have left. That's what you'd expect." Aria snapped lightly.

"Aria." Rachel warned her.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." Aria "The whole thing just... sucks." Aria apologized.

"I know." Hanna said with a small smile to show she wasn't upset.

"Did anyone call Shelly Leonard?" Emily asked, changing the subject.

"Done. And I told her if she plays anything depressing, I will break her cello." Rachel joked. Though, she wasn't sure if she was 100% joking.

"Oh, and what about the program?" Aria asked.

"Almost done. But we should finish it before Ali's brother gets here." Spencer replied.

"Ali's brother?" Rachel said quickly. "When's that?"

"Tonight. And he wants to see us in the morning." Spencer "I thought you would've known that Rachel."

Rachel shrugged. Out of everything happening in her life, she almost completely forgot about Jason coming.

"You know what, I barely remember Jason." Hanna said, standing up to stand by the girls.

"We didn't know him. He was just Ali's older brother down the hall." Aria said.

"Behind a closed door." Spencer commented.

"With his hardcore punk music vibrating the floorboards." Emily added.

"How did he get into an Ivy League school?" Aria questioned.

"I don't know. It must have been affirmative action for goths and emos." Spencer said.

Rachel rolled her eyes. "Or maybe, he's just smart." Rachel could tell the girls doubted that one. So to change the subject, Rachel instructed them to help her lift the top off of the crate.

All five of them lifted it off and it revealed a beautiful fountain. It was black with different figures dancing along the edge of it. It was truly amazing.

"It's beautiful." Aria said breathlessly.

"The pedestal is already out there, next to the bench." Spencer said, "This goes up Friday morning."

"Do you think Jason will like it?" Rachel asked.

"Of course he'll like it." Spencer said.

"And... years from now, people are gonna see this memorial, and— and that's all they'll ever know about Ali." Aria explained, "She'll be the girl that they dedicated the bench to."

"And we'll all be gone, but Ali will always be remembered." Rachel added.

"That's immortality, my darlings." Spencer quoted something Alison used to say. Rachel could vividly remember the day they heard it for the first time.

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