Chapter # 1

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Run, Run, Run.

My mind constantly repeated this word like a mantra to find liberation from the trouble which caused sweat to roll down hopelessly in a rush of dread.

"No, No, no, dammit!" I cursed under my breath, my blue eyes were filled with tears, my long black hairs were messy.

Desiring to abstain him from my misery, I ran where my feet took me.

"You can't go too far, love!"

Without caring about my torn clothes or frantic soul as the not so beautiful memories began to flash before my eyes.

'Am I going to die? Is that why those moments were appearing before me?' I thought sorrowfully. No, no, that was not how I imagined to die.

Not like this, miserably.

"Please, no." I hissed, ignoring the pain in my body, having no idea what I was.

I had no idea where I was anymore. It was an unfamiliar storage.Gasping for air, I muffled my wails of ravage, wiping my eyes to clear my vision.

I can't die here.

"She is around here, find her!"

My breath hitched upon hearing. Sniveling, ultimate destruction made a deal with my body to steal the soul after these breaths would halt.

Run, Run, Run.

Wiping off the blood from my injured hand, my feet moved, concealing my throbbing heartbeats by terrific convulsions, I sprinted.

"I should have killed him." I whispered.

These lethal consequences were a disdain to him in the first place. It was my loss.

Taking a quick turn, I ran into a warehouse. Stuck in his domain, there was no place for me to hide.

It was nothing but a game of cat and- No, it's the game of a hunter tormenting its prey before devouring it to the bone.

"Search! She must be here!"

He is here. He is here. He is here.

Pressing my palm over my chapped lips blended with cold sweat of anxiety,


"How do I look, Zaniel?" I asked, enticingly, putting my hand on his shoulder, licking my lips.

Grabbing my wrist, he lifted my waist, placing me on the counter, holding my back firmly, linking his compelling gaze with mine.

"Cinzel." He called my name huskily,

Smirking, he continued, "When my eyes meet yours-"

Inclining to my ear, whispering to complete my harsh beat with his spellbinding voice.

" -All what matters is that you are mine."


On the verge of bursting, venomous memories evoked the loop of devastation. Sitting in the corner, I hid my face in my knees, silently shredding tears.

"My love, I know you are here. Come out."

Prince. Prince. Prince.

Stiffened in incomprehensible apprehension, I quivered endlessly.

It was not love. How many times I tried to affix this thought in my weak mind but those fruitless efforts surely bore vengeance.

"So, you want me to find you? Fine then."

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