Chapter # 27

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After gathering everyone under her sheet of deceptive words, Cinzel went back, greeting everyone, talking to everyone while I stood in the corner, observing her form.

The way she talked so smooth made me irked, I thought I kept it caged but to no avail.

That was why I wanted her to fear me, to control her beast or else this darkness will eat her up, I have to stop it.

The lust for power has blinded her already, I have to drag her back to where she lived.

Taking a deep breath, I walked to her, taking her hand in mine, sensing the shiver which emanated from her hand by my touch, hitching her breath.

Everyone stopped and turned their heads to me. The glimmer of nothingness instantly converted into irreproachability, staring cutely at me as she waited for me to continue.

I don't want to scare you.

"Are you done?" I asked.

"Not yet." De Villiers replied in her stead.

"Are you done, Cinzel?" I asked again in a low warning tone, not removing my stern eyes from her.

Her whole body froze up, shivering slightly, evoking dread running in her veins, whispering, "Yes."

Taken aback by her reply, De Villiers was about to argue,

"Boss, you are-''

Gulping, Cinzel whispered again, "I am done. We will continue the rest tomorrow." She said, obeying me like she should, quivering up a bit.

Ignoring the daggers sent in my direction from everyone, I took Cinzel back with me.

We went back to the farmhouse, freshened up. She was sitting on the bed, rubbing her hands together, biting her lips nervously.

"Why did you do that?" She asked in a bare whisper. Believe me, I never wanted to.

That's why I have frightened her all this time so I could save her in the future from the savage bloodline running in her veins.

"Why did you say yes?" I counter questioned, standing in front of her.

"You know why." Her tone came out dolorous.

"Why are you affection at one time and scary at the other?" She asked, looking up at me in distress.

"Why do you like my touch at one time and resent it at the other?" I asked again.

Putting my hand on one side, earning a low-pitched voice of tension from her, Moving my hand closer enough to feel the gap vibrating from dismay as I meet hers dangerously close.

"Like this..." I whispered huskily, moving to her neck placing a soft kiss on her neck, "And this?"

"Please stop it, Prince."

Moving my hand on my waist, I pressed her chest against mine, embracing her, loving the melting sensation of beauty spreading in my arms.

"I am stopping it." I replied breathlessly, losing control by the proximity, indirectly telling her I am stopping her to become what she never wanted.

But stopping my overflowing urges with extreme difficulty, I pulled away from her.

She relaxed a little and didn't raise her gaze, "You.. still haven't answered my question."

"Hmm? Yeah... I was getting bored." I shrugged, taking a seat on the couch, she made a disbelief face, mouth gaping as I smirked at her reaction.

"I wanted to spend some time with you before dropping you home. I wanted my wife with me. Just you and me."

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