Chapter # 19

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••• Cinzel •••

Bipolar, bipolar, bipolar

Prince is bipolar, changing from a ruthless beast to a lost soul in a matter of heartbeat is becoming his specialty.

"I couldn't control myself in his presence." I sighed, standing beside Zaniel on the rooftop.

"That Prince hasn't even given you a phone or else we could talk conveniently." Zaniel hissed, pissing me off. I don't care about talking to a trickster like you!

"I just want to run away." I sighed, not showing him my ire from his jejune talks.

"Don't worry, I am here for you. Let's make this place better where we could become one." I barely managed to control myself when he smiled.

He is using me again! Because if I get immersed in the Dark World there's no way out.

Humming, I turned again. "I have noticed something."


"Prince only gets outraged when we talk, my jailers have seen us, they will tell him and I have to prepare for his intimidation now."

Exhaling, I acted cool but my soul tried to give up on me to think of facing his impassive jealousy.

"Cinzel." Zaniel called me hesitantly, "What?"

"Has Prince... done anything?" His voice was slumped in dejection while asking, I scoffed, rolling my eyes, "I am his Wife." I told him, walking away.

"I don't want you to be scared anymore..."

His unwanted words are echoing in my mind. Arousing unwanted anger. The more I tried to let it slip out the more his words knocked upon my hollow chest.

'Why don't you want it when you are the one who terrifies me the most?' I thought sorrowfully and seeking answers, I went to see Astrid.

"Astrid." I called her.


"How was Prince's relationship with his late wife?" I asked casually.

She was taken aback at first, "What?" I asked, perplexed by her reaction.

"This is the first time you said Prince. Just Prince." Her face lit up in glee, praying it to be the arousal of a memorable start.

"He made me- no, he forced it out of my throat." I chuckled drying, crushing the flower in my hand and throwing it away.

"Their marriage occurred to form an alliance between the Ayle family. Their daughter Dania Ayle married at our home and sister Penelope married Theo." She explained.

I made an 'o' face, humming in response indirectly telling not a captivating love story they had.

"Then, doesn't it piss Theo off to find me in his Sister's place?" I asked.

"He is a strange man. No one knows what he is thinking."

"Just like Prince." I mumbled, turning away.


"Nothing.. So how was he- Wait, wait, before it. They both got married at the same time, right?" I asked, having a strange realization.


"Zaniel is twenty four. Prince is thirty six. By the time Zaniel would be born Prince must be... Twelve! Did he have an underage marriage!?" I whisper-yelled, jaw dropping but she only chuckled at my reaction.

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