Chapter # 14

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••• Cinzel •••

'...The lust for power can be deadly; I took a prolonged period to realize that...'

There are things in your life you wish you never knew.

I didn't understand what night swallowed my radiance. A broken shrine of my reality I faced a few moments ago along with an aching betrayal for whom I left the world for.

'I came to you and look what you did, Zaniel...' I thought sorrowfully.

We were left alone. My harsh truth and Zaniel's true intentions towards me shattered my heart more terribly than one ever could.

Why was an ordinary life out of my grasp?

"If you are done crying, pack your things. We are leaving for Silvester Palace."

His stone-cold voice came, wearing a casual black buttoned shirt and trousers, taking his phone and sitting on the couch.

Growling at him, for acting facile towards my cursed shadows of evilness he silenced and now when it became a time bomb, gave it to me.

"That's why you married me, didn't you?" I hissed, looking up at him.

He glanced, arching a brow perfectly, "To take what Zaniel wanted. Both of you are the same. He manipulated me and you forced me but in the end you both hankered for Valencia's legacy."

Sighing he put his phone down and responded casually, "I have no interest in either claiming it myself or let you do."

I was baffled by his reply, "Then why did you marry me?"

"Because I want to ruin Zaniel's plan of using you like a ladder."

Scoffing, I closed my arms at my chest, his derisive talks are beyond my cognition.

"Why? Are you afraid he will surpass you?" I mocked with a dry smile.

"Because I promised my late Father that I won't let Valencia's darkness reach you. He said in his final moments and I quote 'We are in Valencia's debt, please keep her safe from everyone.' " He replied nonchalantly, getting up and walking to me.

My heart pounded his steady steps, drying my throat by apprehension that I might haven't spoken what I shouldn't. He still frightened me merely by existing.

Quivering when he sat beside me, I lowered my head, "Don't you think I have already blended in this world by being your wife?" To my whisper-like question he replied immediately, adjacent to my level, close enough to capture my eyes in his.

"That's why I married you... To keep you away from it." He whispered, taking a strand of my hair.

My heart skipped a beat, shivering in anticipation of his action, "That's ridiculous."

"No one knows your identity. To them, I have married my own nephew's lover just because I like her." He told me with a dry chuckle. I opened my mouth to ask something but he continued.

"You don't have to pretend you like me or anything, just stick with my story." He sighed, parting from me, allowing access to my halted breaths, suppressed in his presence.

"Is my.. Identity... that dangerous?" I asked timidly.

"Yeah, but also not you, but someone linked with you, if that person came to know about your existence, things will get messy." He told me softly, not removing his eyes from me.


"Just someone named Nathaniel. Make sure he never knows about you. Stay away from him, he is dangerous." He explained, licking my lips nervously, I nodded.

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