Chapter # 23.2

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I smiled dryly when I thought about it. Back then it was a duty, a favor she asked but soon it developed deeply. For Cinzel, her protection became my purpose.

She directly controlled most dangerous families, four of us a.k.a pillars- Silvester, Ayle, Ezekiel and Axel Hyraz.

And then we take care of smaller groups but things had gotten out of hands since Valencia's death

We reached the airport, I was about to leave but my phone rang. It was Alice, baffled, I picked the call.



Alice's voice came out croaked. My heart received abrupt terrible presage that something might not happen to Cinzel by her quivering tone.

"What happened?" I asked, stopping in my tracks, demanding.

"Cinzel... she... she disappeared." She cried over the phone.

"Disappear? Where?" I asked, not apprehending her words, hoping they were a joke or something.

"We don't know. The bell rang, she opened the door and never returned."

"Then where the hell were you!?" I snarled, the ecstatic emotions building in my heart converted into a spur of fury blended with visible tension.

"I was in the kitchen, she said she will get the door."

"Fuck!" I cursed under my breath and cut the call.

"Is everything alright, Young Lord?"

Abysmal thoughts terrorized my body to ponder what could dare to lay a finger on her, knowing she was mine still taking her away from me but I won't let it happen.

Her name was carved on the lines of my palm, nothing could steal her away from me.

Stuck in an undesirable situation, I knew if I sent someone else in my stead that bastard Issac and his crazy daughter Zariah would consider it a disgrace.

"Plan cancel, all of you can leave and you are coming with me Garry."

Enunciating, I walked away, leaving everyone staggered but right now, my top priority was Cinzel.

"What happened, Young Lord?!" Garry asked.

"Cinzel is missing." I told him impassively.

"What?!" He whisper-yelled.

"I told you, this girl was going to bring nothing but troubles-"

"Don't. Don't you dare to talk about her like this again." Warning him, I left for her home.

"I told you to take care of her!" I shouted at Alice and Jay, unable to cope with my surroundings and act normally.

"We're sorry Sir but it occurred so quietly and suddenly." Alice replied without looking up.

Growling, I knew it was no use to yell or act hastily but my body was being controlled by the overflowing emotions of my heart.

"Did you check the footage?" I asked exasperatedly.

"Yes, He is there." Jay informed me, I nodded and checked the CCTV footage.

A guy with a mask came, she was pretty casual; must have considered her one of my men but he stole her Alroy necklace and knocked her out in a moment.

My eyes widened because of his actions, he clearly knows her. She fell on his chest as he threw her over his shoulders and looked at the camera for a few seconds, indirectly challenging my forbearance and doing it premeditatedly.

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