Chapter # 21

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••• Prince •••

...Afflicted by love, you became my desires, my addiction, this heart is your slave now. Come into my arms and let me live into this sanctuary...

I am your well wisher Cinzel. It was me who has protected you all this time. This masquerade was all to keep you secure but wasted against my feelings.

I immersed you in this swamp, unable to pursue how I developed these feelings for the past four years.

It was me who kept all the harm away from you.

These lethal emotions might not need a name but are broken from your dream. Look where I left us...

Urging to have you in the lines of my palm, I suffocated beneath the sheet of suffering only to find sanctuary in your smiles. To keep you secure and blended with emulation for what he gave you, I lost myself.

These thoughts troubled my mind. I wanted to suppress them forever but was unable to, its intensity is not letting me.

"Fuck.. what the hell am I thinking?" I whispered.

The cold droplets of water rolled down my skin, my hands placed upon the wall, I emit a deep sigh to escape these terrible thoughts.

Breathing heavily I turned off the shower, wore my trousers and walked out.

Forgetting the fact someone whose very soul trembles by my name was outside and upon seeing me without a shirt, the crimson shade over her face gave me a detailed explanation of her arousal, distress and of course fear.

With an expressionless gaze, I stared at her face until she got up to leave but I held her wrist.


She flinched by my touch, radiating heat and screeching breaths.

Shivering, she hesitantly turned to me, shutting her eyes, even holding her breath by the proximity between my exposed chest and her petite form.

"Open your eyes." I said in a low but firm tone. She shook her head no, clutching her shirt tightly.

"Open them, it's okay. You can look." I said tenderly, moving my hands to her shoulder, receiving utmost terror rushing adrenaline in her but still having no effect.

The quiver I could feel urged to eradicate by closing but it will only enhance her flushed and frightened reaction.

"Cinzel." I called her name, leaning close to her face.

After struggling, she opened her eyes and met mine which were trying to reassure her but failed.

"P-Please, g-get away..." She whispered back breathlessly.

"You are scared." I told her the bitter fact I could obliterate from her heart.

"It's okay to be afraid." I murmured, moving my hand to her cheek, cupping it slowly, she stood still, half lid eyes barely espying at my face apprehensively while I proceeded gradually.


"I can't." Her immediate reply came, her rapid breath reaching my skin, intensifying my heartbeats.

Holding myself back, I exhaled in her ears, her back arched up a little with tears brimming in her eyes. I took her hand and was about to place it on my chest but she pulled away with a gasp.

"I.. I can't..." Her voice came out croaked.

"Hey, It's okay, It's-"

"I can't."

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