Chapter # 26

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••• Nathaniel •••

A scream of misery was echoing in the basement, enhancing my fury by the effortless wails. My emerald eyes were overflowing with the urge to kill Prince.

"She is alive. That motherfucker hid her."

A snarl escaped my lips in pure fury while pushing my brown hairs behind, urging to rip Prince apart for daring to conceal Cinzel's identity like this.

All these years I was deprived of the warmth of my own sister, she probably wasn't even aware of my existence. I won't forgive him.

"I told you." Amanda shrugged, she had been working as my agent for a while in Silvester mansion.

Amanda and De Villiers, both of them are my right hands.

De Villiers settle surface works while Amanda handle the dirty ones like murdering and torture that was why only selective people know her and she snuck in their place easily with a little disguise.

"Though I had my fun, Boss. I love children, she is an adorable child. Congratulations, you are an uncle now. She is Sky's mother after all." She giggled, pinching my nerves.

"Shut up, Amanda." I growled, sealing her lips instantly.

I doubt Cinzel was alive and was resolved if she was-

Prince would definitely bring her there- he did. Scoffing, I slammed my hand on the table.

"As if I am going to let Prince lure her into non-existent innocence or manipulate her."

My hissing sound was on par with the painful cries and I had enough of Amanda torturing him.

"Shut his mouth or cut his goddamned tongue off." I snarled, glaring at her to not irritate me further.

"Sure." She giggled but I raised from my seat and pushed her out of the way, glaring at the man tied down with blood dripping from him.

"That asshole Sufiyan. Does he think he could get away with pointing a rifle at my Zari?" I growled under my breath, punching him which probably broke his jaw.

"End him and send him back to India, Amanda." I ordered her dominantly to silence my prey.

"Yes, Boss." She nodded.

I sighed loudly, wiping the blood from my knuckles. I didn't know why but I couldn't control myself when it came to her.

"I must tell you, Cinzel-"

Amanda began to tell me but I shot her a glare.

"Cinzel?" A scowl indicated Amanda about the way to address Cinzel.

"Madam Cinzel doesn't recognize but she is reaching the dark side. Her mind is atrocious like her mother but obviously nothing in your comparison." She replied, licking her lips seductively.

"What do you mean?" I asked, taking a seat again.

"She is manipulating Zaniel about killing Prince and gaining Prince's trust on the other hand by using Sky. It's clear when she will become the Queen-"

She was explaining but upon hearing Queen a chuckle escape my lips.

"Queen?" I asked with a dark smirk.

"Prince made her believe she will be a Queen." She hummed, killing the guy and washing her hands.

"Yeah, if she was proven capable enough to manage Issac or Axel then we will see." I muttered, leaning back and rubbing my temples.

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