Chapter 4

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"AHRI! Ahri, do you know what just happened?" Jang-mi hollered into her phone as she sprinted out of the HYBE building and onto the noisy street.

"I'm scared to guess," the other girl replied.

"Hoshi- I'm going out for coffee with an idol tomorrow?" Jang-mi exclaimed in pure disbelief, still feeling like pinching herself over what had happened.

"Okay now hold up. Everything from the start, please," Ahri replied, her tone calm yet mildly excited.

Jang-mi took a deep breath and began recounting what had went down, serenaded by Ahri's occasional 'oohs' and 'wows'.

"Damn," Ahri said.

"Damn indeed," Jang-mi responded breathlessly.

"Meet me at our usual place. Your favorite stylist has some tricks up her sleeve," Ahri smirked through the phone.


"I look like a leopard." Jang-mi stared into the store mirror, skeptically eyeing the print jacket Ahri forced her to put on.

"He's gonna love it! Tiger x leopard, you know?" Ahri shrugged.

"Ahri, we're getting coffee, not walking a red carpet," she sighed, shrugging the jacket off her shoulders and pressing it into Ahri's arms.

"Fine, if you want to be boring like that. Take this," she shoved a beige cardigan into Jang-mi's torso, the latter quickly putting it on and turning around.

"Hm. It's not bad," she remarked, noticing the details in the sleeves and cuffs.

"Of course it's not bad, I picked it out for you," Ahri smirked contently.

"Now fly on, my little bird, and don't fuck things up with Kwon Soonyoung."


11:15 Hiii I'm here
Where are you??

hi! sorry, i'll be there in 3 11:15

Jang-mi's heart was pounding out of her chest as she approached the cafe. Truth be told, she agreed to the whole meetup herself, so the only person she could blame for the whole situation was her. Well, and Hoshi too, for initiating it.
Is this a date? her thoughts echoed persistently, the disbelief already having set in but her mental clarity still not returning. What if it was? Does he like her, or just sees her as a good enough dancer? Does she like him? The real him, not the idol she grew up watching?

Before entering, she inconspicuously slipped on a mask. Though not the most convenient accessory for sipping on coffee, she'd heard way too many cases of Dispatch following and snooping on idols, and she'd rather not become the center of Seventeen's newest controversy.

As she entered, the front door bell announced her presence with a melodic ring. Wooden tables were occupied by the cafe's regulars, americanos in one hand and phones in the other. Right at the bar, a familiar albeit obscured face awaited her arrival.

"H- hi," she awkwardly stammered, meekly holding her purse in front of herself. His eyes sparked up.

He paused for a few seconds before responding. "H- hey! I got you an americano, if you want it, of course.." Despite half his face being covered up, she could see a soft blush creeping onto his doughy cheeks.

"Thank you," she nodded, accepting the coffee. "So.. do we stay here or should we go?"

His eyes scanned the room. "You know what, let's take a walk," he suggested through furrowed brows. Jang-mi shrugged, following him. He held the door open for her, and she started to suddenly feel relaxed - until a recognizably loud camera click echoed behind the pair.

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