Chapter 14

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The slip of paper gracefully plopped itself right next to Jang-mi's leg. She eyed it curiously, then picked it up in an effort to return it to Hoshi.

"Hoshi! Hey, you lost a thing-" she yelled, but her partner had already disappeared outside of the room. She shrugged, unfurling it.

Diphenhydramine 100mg
Daehan Hospital
Signed out 11.10.23 by Kang Heejin

Jang-mi carefully examined the boldly printed text on the paper, trying to make out each term and the medical jargon scrawled on the back of the slip. She was no doctor, that's for sure, but the things she recognized included Heejin's name, the hospital Wonwoo was placed in and the date. As well as the drug Heejin supposedly took.

Diphen- diphenhydramine? Sounds familiar. Now when have I seen that...

She sighed. She was already too tired to deal with things like that. Maybe Heejin signed it out for a patient, or for herself. Jang-mi certainly didn't have enough energy to care about it at the moment.


"I feel like I'm going insane," Jang-mi grunted into the phone.

"Are you now?" Ahri responded calmly. "I'm sure whatever it is, it has nothing to do with whatever you're trying to remember. She works at a hospital, it's obvious she'd be signing out medicine here and there,"

"I guess you're right. Man, I wanna go back home, eat mom's seaweed soup, go shopping with you..." Jang-mi said, suddenly realizing that she was missing her friends and family much more during the short conversation.

"And we can do that when you get back. Sorry, I have to go now. Duty calls, and that duty's name is Felix," Ahri concluded, abruptly hanging up. Jang-mi was left startled with the sudden finale of their talk, but then shrugged, realizing Ahri was extremely busy and could barely spare any time for an exchange that short.

"Duty calls," Jang-mi muttered to herself.

Right at that moment, a banging on her hotel room door suddenly caused her to jump.

"Jang-mi?" a muffled voice inquired.

"Coups? Is that you?" she responded, yelling.

"Yeah. Me and Vernon are heading out to eat, wanna come? I heard there's a good ramen place nearby," Coups slyly beckoned. That bastard. He knew Jang-mi couldn't resist a good ramen.

"Okay, just give me a minute. Hana took some of my stuff and I need it back from her room,"

"Isn't she still in there rehearsing with Chan?"

"Yeah, but her room's unlocked. Her roommate should be inside, I'm guessing,"

Jang-mi opened the door, a newly hair-colored Coups standing in the corridor. His new hair was a platinum grey that accentuated his features well, cut mid-length with a small hint of a mullet growing out. She gave him a curt nod and quickly slid past him to attempt to find Hana's room number.

526, 527... aha, here. 528.

The door was slightly ajar, a minuscule crack between it and the frame. As she was about to knock, a conversation began to make itself heard from inside the room. Jang-mi paused. She didn't want to be rude, and admittedly she was quite curious, so she awkwardly stood outside for the end of the call.

"How's the hood? Did you get it repaired? I saw how beat up it was after,"

Unexpectedly, a sneeze began making its way up Jang-mi's nose.

"Shit. It's fine, we can figure something out. That Honda was nearing its last breath anyway, consider it a mercy kill,"

It slowly crept up, like a predator savoring its prey. Moving excruciatingly slowly. In anticipation. Jang-mi's nostrils felt like they were on fire.

Light A Flame || HoshiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora