3: Family Grieving

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"We're sorry to report this, but the young master became... " the eyes of the old man shook in rage and guilt, he couldn't continue his sentence anymore.

But what else to the father who loved his young puppy even more that spoiled him rotten.

The father, the father who couldn't even retake his title of father for his beloved child, his face couldn't even be drawn anymore in sadness, guilt, despair and anything what he is feeling now. He doesn't know, is this it? His reality?

"Where? Where is he? He should be still moving if he ever turned like it? Anything from him?" He asked, desperate of any answer coming from the old man, just any answer even if it's just a moving body of his son or any part of him to come back to him.

"We are unable to track where they hid the young master's body, but they were certain that they buried him, the bastards.... After finishing him they buried him with the others in the..... they buried him in a pit with others of their failures" he reported, he couldn't take this anymore he just wanted to hunt the fucking organization that fucked the whole world.
The evil organization they call themselves ARM, the terrorist that are threatening the world since 20 years ago, they do anything sick and evil. What is happening right now is their doing.

They broadcast it in different media and everything that happened the next days resulted everything what's happening now.

"Aughhhh!!" He shouted. "My son!!! They played my son!!! They treated him like a toy?!!! And when he broke they threw him away?!!!"

The old man and his son couldn't answer in agreement of the father's statement.

Their silence answered him.

"Aaauuggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!" And he wreck havoc, he turned the desk, torn anything tearable, broke anything breakable just to vent his rage that he filled him and still flowing out of him.

"WHERE?!! WHERE ARE THE DEVILS?!! THE EVIL??!! AAAAUUUGGHHH!!!!" he shouted. His voice became raw because of his overflowing burning rage.

He couldn't even cry in shock.
Then he passed out.

"The doctor! Call the doctor!" The old man shouted

After the father, the mother of the house took over, unlike her husband she is cool headed but now she isn't, she must be planning of how to take action of the fucking pest.

"We have to find his body, that is the least we could do for him, just lay him beside his late mother, please, can you do it? I'm sorry we are all in mess right now" the mother couldn't hold it anymore it hurt her much.

They let her cry and they silently mourned too.

"We understand madam, we lost a lot too" the old man patted the grieving mother, he understand what it felt.

"Thank you, thank you Ron"

Though Ron might be old but his hearing is great, that he even heard the single sob coming from the door.

"Oh no" he internally screamed he looked beside him and his son too heard it.

After meeting the grieving parents, they are obligated to come to the children, it was crazy and unforgivable to tell the news to the children but they made a promise to them.

"Whatever it is, please, tell us!"
"We don't want to be pampered in lies anymore it hurts more to have hope"
"Please promise us. Please" the siblings cried.

"We promise" they promised the children and they got a hug from them.

It wasn't their job anymore but how could they? They made that mistake before and they don't want to make that mistake now, even if it hurts he have to tell them.

To the room of the second child, will it be considered now that he is the first child now?, they knocked. They could hear the sobs on the other side.

"Come in"

"Young master... Young mistress... We are sorry. We couldn't retrieve him" he broke the news to the siblings.
"I knew it, huhuuhu"
"Sorry, we couldn't wait, we heard mother crying so we somewhat expected"
"We're sorry again"
"It wasn't any of your fault Ron, thank you. Thanks for coming back"

"Thank you young master,young mistress"

The siblings could see the roughness the father son duo been through, they haven't even got their bath first

"Yeah, sorry, you must be tired Ron, Beacrox, we ordered your bath and your clothes here. And you must be hungry we called for your food"
"Rest well okay?"

"Yes ma'am"

"..... grrrr......????" a red haired zombie bit a plant

Thank you for reading enjoy!!!!
Sorry for the angst

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