13: For the Date

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On's plan is progressing consistently.

She now wonders how romantic she could be in the future.

She played so many romance movies in Angel's tablet, and the result made Cale have great response on Rok Soo's approach. Just like a normal human becoming giddy being in love.

Love really has no boundaries.

And after another month of courting Angel, On made Rok Soo confess to Angel, and of course their efforts are not in vain. Angel agreed on it himself, they partied hard, the children were allowed to drink and eat sweets the whole day, meanwhile Rok Soo stayed by Angel's side the whole day comfortable on Angel's lap as he read books though romance genre this time. Rok Soo's face was over the moon since then, he can be caught smiling and chuckling on his own. He was kind of weird but anyways he pursues Angel more, and becoming like a high school girl with her crush, blushing whenever Angel do intimate things with him. She wonders if Rok Soo has heart problem nowadays.

"Rok Soo, are you sick?" Hong asked with concern.

"No, just adult things, kind of scared and nervous" he answered

"Why are you nervous?"

"Because I was thinking of adult.... things and.... scared if I might scare Angel to do what I thought" he cannot answer indecently Hong is a child. 'This is harder than fighting off zombies'

"Hmmmm.... what kind of adult stuff is it to make Angel scared? Angel is cool and strong, he could even by pass on hoards of zombies and they're scared of him" Hong is confused.

"Really? That's great, he will be more safe from much danger then, but it's......"

"What's wrong?"

"Never mind, hufff, we adults should be the one to face this, don't worry about this, anyways what do you want for dinner?"

"I want some steak!"
"Good request, I was also craving for some steaks too" he said as he ruffles Hong's hair.

Later that night after eating steaks, On and Rok Soo are on meeting.

"Do you think he's ready for some date?"
"Date? Where?"
"Some places, romantically, but for me whenever we are it is romantic"

'So, this is what the other cousins hates, dates, because only the couple have fun with each other and should not be interrupted'

"I want to have a date with Angel and visit some romantic places to woo him, it is necessary to make him fall to me more"

'But you are also the one who's more falling in love, why am I annoyed?'

"And is there any places you could think of?" She asked

"The park should be but it's farther and walking around there isn't good even at day time because of some predators"

"Of course, we have to ensure everyone's safety first"

"What if we clear this hotel of zombies and have some fun in the pool? Everyone will have fun there"

"Pool?! There's pool here?!" On perked up in excitement. It was a long time she swam in swimming pool

"I've been here before, this hotel has pools and even big slides, everyone will have fun, and we will grill some meat to eat"

"Oh my gosh this is so exciting!!!!" Slides were On's dream before, she couldn't help but be more excited. "But how do we operate the slide?"

"I know how, I worked here before, and I know how to operate most of the attractions here, you see I'm quite capable"

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