6: Market Center

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On and Hong slept tightly on a bed, while Angel the zombie is on a couch focused in his discoveries.

Just like the little box with a human in it, this huge box has a lot of things inside.

There are trees, animals and humans and different kinds of environment. It even has sounds.

'Thing thing must be used to show the world? I guess?'

And he explored how this box works until he understood all of its use.

[A/N: He is so intelligent to discover such things on his own. Gosh, I love him]

He stayed up watching many discoveries and dozed off.

Then the next day, Angel and his adoptees are out to find their clothes. He thought their clothes sucks and getting boring each hours.

[A/N: He is such a fashionista]

And they have to settle in some place because he isn't comfortable to settle in this place and he knew places where to live extravagantly, where peaceful and luxurious.

[A/N: He is a spoiled person, even being zombified couldn't seal it]

At first the siblings are confused why Angel has been eager to hurry up, that made the siblings anxious

"Is there a zombie that will hurt us Angel?" On asked anxiously

Angel stayed quiet and just patted them.

And they walked around the street, On and Hong are nervous but they trust Angel.

Sometimes there are zombies trying to get them but with Angel they couldn't dare to be one meter around them. His hiss and growls are feared by the other zombies, and when he walks around, the other zombies were trying to get away from him, like he was feared.

It made the siblings dumbfounded.

In a little while they reached a market center.

The market is odd. There's no zombies inside and even around it.

Then Angel lifted little carts and gave them push carts.

"Mmmm" Angel purred and expanded his arm, like pick whatever you want.

The siblings giggled and rushed off to pick whatever they want.

While the two are busy, he picked some tools and items to his cart.

He is planning to use it to experiment his discoveries.

After some hour the siblings, found Angel eating something.

"Angel!" Hong called him

They ran to Angel and hugged him.

"Thank you Angel I found my favorite toy!"
"Thank you"

Angel huffed and gave them head pats which the siblings leaned on.

"Mmmm" he purred and showed them some candies.

"Angel loves sweet too much, what should we do if you got toothache then?" On nagged
"Mmm?" Angel's eyes got curious, like he found an unknown word to him, On understood Angel's curiosity.
"Toothache, it is when your teeth aches and we have to find medicine to cure it" she explained while pointing her teeth and acting her teeth are aching
"Mmmm" Angel got enlightened

On still couldn't believe Angel understood her, it is good that Angel isn't a bad zombie and an understanding one.

"Mmm!" Angel then patted her and smiled

The siblings saw how pretty he is when smiling.

"You should smile more Angel!" Hong said and gave Angel a big smile which the latter copied.

Then before they leave Angel asked them to show them what they picked up.

It became like a fashion runway since once they got dressed up Angel will asked them to walk and turn around as he demonstrated.

It was quite embarrassing but it's their time shinning for Angel.

While on breaks of getting on other clothes Angel will find accessories for their attire then huffs in content because it isn't enough for them to him.

Then they left the market center with full pack of things on carts.

Then heading to a different direction from where they met that made the siblings confused but still followed Angel.

Though they are not armed and quite defenseless they are not harmed rather they were feared and every zombie ran away from them.

'Angel's so cool!' What is in Hong's mind

An half hour after Angel and the children left, several men entered the market center.

It was odd, and confusing.

"There's no zombies around, even there's no fight happened since there's no body lying around and the market center is clean but some trashes are littered around this section, like someone came here before us, but didn't took all the goods"

"From that trashes, might be a small group to clean the market, and the dusts here got cleaned up, a small group might have stayed here for a little while"

Though they couldn't help but be confused, but they hoped that group is safe.

"Rok Soo look your favorite!" Choi Jung Soo raised a lemon bar
Upon seeing the lemon bar Rok Soo's every hair stood up.

"Oh god, here they are again" the other team mates face palms but chuckled.

"Hey! Don't ever feed that to me!" He's annoyed seeing the lemon bar as he is getting farther and farther from this man
"Here say aaahh"
"Shit! Don't come to me!" Rok Soo ran from the man and hides on his teammates back

However not all of teammates are on his side this time.

Because some are trying to get petty with him since he got some rizz without trying, he's handsome, strong, smart and resourceful, and young, many widows are trying to bag him up.

"Those ladies are fighting because of you not us! Here you go" the singles couldn't get a chance to be petty so they like to take side of his called brothers to tease him and make him show himself lamely.

They secured Rok Soo's arms and since he's the smallest among them except for one they hanged him and have someone secure his legs.

Rok Soo couldn't move freely.

"No! No! No!" He yelled at them pissed and scared
"Hey, you yell so loud, Jung Soo paste that in his mouth to shut him"
"Yes, yes, coming up your order sir"

And he got to taste the lemons. He lost consciousness from the sourness.

"Let pack up! We got our petty revenge"
"Hahahaha" the men giggled

Their team got their goods worth of weeks and some additional seeds for the farm.

But once Rok Soo woke up, he beat the others and also got beaten up, but just playfully.

They know he is really pissed at them.

"We're very sorry Rok Soo" his teammates said while trying to stop laughing.

"Oh, you're so cute Rok Soo"
"Shut up!"
"Oh~ shut up~"

Unfortunately they haven't crossed paths yet hahaha maybe next time....

See ya!!

Thank you for reading!! Enjoy!!❤️❤️❤️❤️

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