8: Encounter ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

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WARNING ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ 18+ only

Whenever there's sign like that.

Authors:Please be 18+ readers. Please be 18+ readers!
18 below readers: Anyways, a new chapter. Yey!
Me, since 9: Noice.

After tucking the siblings on bed, Angel is a bit troubled.

He is getting some visions, everytime he sleeps these days, he thinks it is him, but he doesn't think it will be in the future, he thinks those are in the past, but he doesn't care for now.

He couldn't hear in those visions but he could feel sad and angry in it.

So that's why he will go out to find something to ease him up.

Rok Soo is angry.

Those people who he lived with threw him under the bus.

Just because he was the only one left behind as the his teammates are on scout to survey farther lands to collect some goods, he got sick out of nowhere.

Some bitches wormed on to his bed and tried to assault him.

He was sick and he couldn't even move properly, but when the others got there they blamed him and the bitch said he assaulted them and they're trying to get revenge.

He was dumbfounded. He tried to tell them he never ever knew their name and doesn't give any fucks to them.

There are only few to be smart enough to see those bitches schemes. But they have to maintain the balance of the camp. But most of them got some beef with Rok Soo, as he rejected their beauties.

They're trying to corner him but he will never be get cornered.

Then the elderly made a gap to protect Rok Soo, she ordered him something to escape and come back when the others arrived. Though he has some solution the elder wanted to hide him, there are only a few of them to protect Rok Soo.

Rok Soo left the camp and walked to the market center, even though the path has hoards of zombies he got there safely but still get weirded out to see it doesn't have any zombie again. It is still a mystery to him why this place doesn't have any zombie loitering around and many hoards avoid this place.

He couldn't say this to his teammates because he doesn't have enough clues and ideas and even evidence to prove his point. It is just his gut feeling but he doesn't feel anything wrong in this place, just weird feeling.

As he roam around the market center, he found a section there where the candies are.

As someone with sweet tooth, he ran in there and looked for some candies.

Luckily he found some candies for his taste and binged it in one sitting, but before eating the candies, he heard something, a candy wrapper thrown.

It made him skipped a beat.

He is supposed to be the only human here.

Then he took a peek.

He saw someone also eating candies.

It made him jump in surprise.

"Who's there?" He asked

"Mmm?" a boyish voice answered

"Are you a human?" He asked on guard.


"Sorry for startling you, as I was startled as well" he apologized as he bowed

"Mmm" he answered bowing as well, then he gave Rok Soo some strawberry candies and some strawberry fruits and some chocolate bars.

And Rok Soo felt some warmth from this stranger so he sat near him, incase of a zombie breaking in he could flee with this skinny fella, and the most strange thing is Rok Soo opened up what he couldn't keep anymore, his problems worries and concerns and ideas and his hate to the people who made his life hell and his hate to gods.

Then when he finally almost finished up the candies he is back to his investigative self asking questions to the stranger.

"Where did you get this?" He asked. 'Oh fuck, why am I asking such understandable unanswerable question? This weird feeling, what the hell did they made me drink? I'm being talkative. Of course he will not answer'

"Mmm" he answered as he pointed the only working freezer which he is leaning on

"What? There's electricity here?" He said in shock.


"Really? Let me see!" He got excited but since he was sitting for a long time he couldn't feel his legs then fell down to this stranger but got support from the freezer so the impact is not that strong. He forgot that he was sick as he flee from the camp. His legs are cramping.


"Mmm" the stranger said and pats his head.

Rok Soo felt embarrassed, and the most embarrassing is he got a boner, because he got turned on of this stranger's scent. Rok Soo couldn't understand why he's like this.

"I'm so sorry, I really am sorry" he chanted. He hoped this person is a zombie so he could walk away guilt free.

But to his surprise, the stranger coaxed him, he was being patted and hugged.

Then he tried to get up but his dick is grinding on the stranger's bottom.

'The humiliation, someone please kill me' in his mind

But then the stranger's reaction is different.

"Mmm~ mmm~" the stranger moaned

Now he even got harder and it kills him now.

"It hurts" then he plucked away his pants and underwear. He feels hot and his body taking control.

His hips are moving on his own, then he couldn't control himself anymore.

The stranger who's wearing shorts is oddly quiet and not moving.

"Please lend me your legs" he could not help but do it anyway.


Then Rok Soo pulled up his legs and used the smooth and soft legs to rut on.

It was a long time ago but Rok Soo masturbates too, because he is also a human.

He continues to drill himself in those legs and smelled the stranger's scent. Like a beast he pounded the stranger, fast and strong. Making the stranger blow out some moans.

"Ah ah ah ngghhh" and he came

Then pulled out his still erect manhood and borrowed the stranger's hands to fap.


Rok Soo's and the stranger's moans and clapping bodies are the only sound in the whole area. They continued doing this sound.

Rok Soo is so high that he couldn't care anymore and only wants to satisfy himself.

His act continued for 3 hours and the stranger is surprisingly being cooperative. He only moved when Rok Soo changed their position.

Though he only used the stranger's legs he felt a bit satisfied, he wanted more, but he is so tired that he fell asleep.

And the next morning, Rok Soo opened his eyes he is not where he fell asleep, he is now on a luxurious huge fluffy bed. Like he's in a VIP room in some 5 star hotel in the commercials and movies.

Then he got up, his got better, he isn't sick anymore. Where is he? In his mind.

Then he heard a knock.

"Angel? Are you there?" He heard a girls voice.

Now. How the hell he should answer?

Not a smut enough? Yes!
Maybe next time.

Thanks for reading 😁😁😁

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