Chapter 25

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Brooke POV

I pushed my dinner around on my plate. The steak was good, but the pasta was really heavy. All that dairy and carbs would be really bad for my weight. 

I reluctantly shoved a bite of the garlicky goodness into my mouth after I felt Marcus's eyes on me.

It was good, but I didn't feel comfortable eating it. While twirling a bit on my fork absentmindedly, Lucas spoke up.

"So how was your first day?" His voice was eager but hesitant.

I smiled. "It was actually really good. Except," I turned to Marcus with a mock stern look on my face, "I was not aware I was put into junior level classes."

He shrugged casually and spoke with his mouthful. "I knew you could handle it." His cool confidence made me proud, but I looked down shyly at the words. 

I playfully retorted, "Still, it would've been nice to know."

Michael snickered. "Marcus doesn't tell anyone anything. For the longest time he didn't even tell me about–"

"Michael," Marcus's sharp voice rang out. Michael's mouth slammed shut and he looked sheepish.

I looked puzzledly at the two of them, but didn't say anything. I knew they were hiding something, but it wasn't my business. They'd tell me if they were ever ready to. I wasn't going to do to them what they did to me.

Ignoring the awkward silence, Lucas turned to me again. "So you had a good day? Did you make any friends?"

I grinned. "Yeah, her name is Annabeth. She's really nice, and so is the rest of her friend group."

Lucas beamed, seeming more excited about my friends than I was. I stared at the rest of the pasta on my plate and shoved away the dish, hoping no one would notice.

Marcus looked sharply at me. "Brooke, you need to eat." I sighed with exhaustion. "I did. I can't eat anymore. Please understand that."

He didn't like it, but he stayed quiet. The table once again became silent, so I pushed back my chair and murmured something about homework, walking away from the awkward situation.

Up in my room, I curled into myself. Why couldn't they treat me normally? Who could I talk to who would understand? I don't want to be treated like porcelain.

Finally I remembered a conversation the girls and I had during lunch. Carlene was ranting about her dad, and then apologized for treating us like therapists.

Emmy had laughed and said that she'd been in therapy for so many years, she could probably take her therapist's job. 

The fact that they were so comfortable talking about mental health made me feel better about mine. Maybe therapy would help me, if I just knew how to open up.

I researched a bit about therapy and its benefits and realized it would be really helpful for me. I just didn't know how to convince Marcus. When in doubt, make a Powerpoint.

30 minutes later, armed with my laptop, I knocked on Marcus's office door. After he called "enter," I took a deep breath and marched in.

"I want to go to therapy. I know some people think it's a sign of weakness, but I think I need it. I–"

"Ok." I stared at him. He didn't look up from his paperwork. "What?"

He shrugged. "I was trying to figure out how to bring up therapy without freaking you out, but this works too. I think it'll help you, and it's NOT a sign of weakness."

I stood there, jaw dropped. "But...I made a Powerpoint," I protested weakly. He grinned and shook his head in amusement. 

"I can make an appointment with Daniel's therapist, or we can get one who specializes in your situation. Up to you."

I hesitated. I was not expecting this to be this easy. Also Daniel had a therapist? Huh.

"I think I'll go with Daniel's. They're familiar with the family, so it should be easier for them to understand."

"Great. I can get an appointment for tomorrow if you'd like; her schedule is very flexible."

I nodded, still shocked at how accepting he was of this. "Thanks Marcus," I murmured, walking out of the room dazedly.

The Next Day

My stomach was doing somersaults as I walked with Daniel into his therapist's office. 

He smiled at me and said, "I'll be right outside if you need me. If it gets too overwhelming or you can't handle it, just walk out. She'll understand."

I nodded and placed my hand on the doorknob, hesitating before twisting it. The room had a comfy feel, with light colored decor and soft pillows laying around. 

There were tissues on a side table next to a squishy looking two-seater couch. I smiled wryly, realizing I was going to need a lot of those.

"Brooke?" A cheery voice asked. I nodded slowly. "I'm Wanda. It's so nice to meet you!"

I finally looked up from my shoes to see a short, smiling blonde sitting in a rolly chair. I hesitantly smiled back as she gestured me to the navy blue couch.

She leaned in. "So, your brother said you had some things you wanted to discuss with me, but he felt that you should tell me yourself. Would you feel comfortable doing that now or would you like to just talk?"

I raised my eyebrows. That didn't sound like Marcus, but I'm grateful he gave me the choice. Looking down again, I said, "I'd rather just talk for now."

She smiled in understanding and sat back. "So how's school going? I know you've only been there for a couple days, but do you feel comfortable there?"

I nodded excitedly. "I've made some friends and I'm able to follow the curriculum. School is the least of my worries."

She frowned. "If you don't mind me asking, what are some of your worries?"

I sighed. "I feel like I'm not normal. All my brothers treat me like I'm made of crystal. It's exhausting. I think they're hiding something from me, which is frustrating because I'm not allowed to hide anything from them."

Wanda nodded. "That's understandable. Your brothers are likely thinking they're protecting you, but from what I've heard, you're a strong girl. You can handle anything."

I fought a smile at the compliment, looking down and blushing. I didn't get praised a lot.

The rest of the hour passed with casual chatting, some of my weaknesses in school and what my homelife was like. I was surprised to walk out of the office with a smile and a promise to see her next week.

Maybe things would be normal now.

A/N Y'all I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while.  My family came for a visit and it was a little chaotic, but I'm back now.

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