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'.... I didn't know you'd be here.'

'Course. How could you? Not like I've been here every week for the last 5 years.'

'I swear, I didn't-'

'I don't care.'

'Jimin, please. I- I never-'

What the hell did I walk into?

All I did was try and walk into the bar where I was supposed to meet the group, but now I can't go through because of what's happening in front of me.

I can see Jimin was just about to go in as well, but he's currently frozen in place, looking at the girl in front of him with his eyes shooting daggers at her.

The girl herself was stunning. She looks like a perfect drawing. A small face that looks almost photoshopped, framed with perfect, silver curls down to her shoulder. But no matter the perfection that she seems to radiate, it also comes with the trembling as she's looking back at him.

Just two of them, not paying attention to a single other thing around them. I feel like I'm intruding just by being near them.


'Baby, are you.... ready...' Another guy just walked into the picture, placing his hand on her waist with a big smile on his face, but he kind of stumbled over his words the moment he saw Jimin standing there

'Park.' He nodded at him, pulling the girl closer to him, speaking to Jimin in some cocky tone, even raising his chin a little as if he's gloating for some reason

Jimin's hand balled up in his pockets, I could see it all the way from here, and he tilted his head a bit to the side. His jaw clenched so much that I thought he might break his teeth.

I am about to die.

'Jimin, there you are.' I jogged up to him, smiling as brightly as I could. 'I'm sorry for running late. Have you been waiting long?'

To say he was confused was an understatement of the century. He looked me up and down more than once without a word, but the look on his face was, if I had to guess, disgust. Almost like when someone you can't stand speaks to you. Which I suppose isn't too far off from his feelings for me, based on the way he looks at me.

The other two were just as lost, looking between the two of us. I could feel it even without looking at them.

'Oh, sorry. Hello.' I bow to those two, pretending I haven't seen them until now

'H- hi.' The girl mutters, still in some kind of shock, glancing at Jimin again

'Sorry, I'll be taking this one with me.' I smile at them, linking my arm with Jimin's. 'Shall we?' I smile up at him, tugging him a little to move him. I have no idea what's going on, but he looks ready to cause a big problem for himself, and I just wanna get him out of here.

'What the fuck are you doing?' He almost pushed me away, pulling his arm away at the same time

'Come on, Jimin.' I chuckle uncomfortably at him. Is he stupid or just plain rude? Don't embarrass me, you moron. I'm trying to help you.

'I swear I am surrounded by idiots.' He muttered to himself as he turned around and kind of stormed off into the bar, leaving all 3 of us in shock.

'Sorry about that. He gets a bit...' I tried to play it off a little, making an excuse for his behaviour, when I have absolutely no idea what just happened. Or anything about him.

'Don't we know it.' The other guy snorted a little, looking after Jimin, who was gone already

'Yeah. Sure.' I bowed and left them, going inside myself.

Beneath the surface [BTS JIMIN FF]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt