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I woke up to about 15 missed calls and 20 messages from Yoongi. They were all of the same nature, so I chose to ignore them.

Each and every single one of them were telling me I'm an idiot and such, for getting drunk. And I wasn't. I was tipsy. I remember it all clearly. Damn Jimin. He is like an unwanted younger sibling that snitches on you for everything, except he is older. And ruder.

I planned on pretending that I've never seen or heard a thing, but then he decided to come and tell me that I'm an idiot in person.

'...you could have been attacked! What if he tried something!?....'

He was going on and on at me for a while, and all I did was sip on my coffee and pretended that I'm listening. There is simply no explaining to him that I never would have gotten close to that man. Besides, it's my fucking boss!

'Yoongi, you really need to chill. Honestly. I know you see me as one, but I am not a fucking child. When will you stop treating me like one?'

'When you stop acting like one!' He yells in frustration

'Okay. So, let me get this straight.' I clear my throat. 'You think that it was so awful that I tried to help someone get home, but you are okay with another guy taking me home in the middle of the night?'

He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out for a few moments, and then he simply said, 'I trust Jimin.'

'You trust him, but you don't trust me?' Now I'm just pissed off, because he didn't even deny. Or answer.

'Then what would have happened if I jumped your precious friends last night?'

'He never would have let that happen, first off. Second, that is absolutely not what I meant. And third, I would kill him and you if you ever even thought of it.'

'Did he tell you that he even got inside of my place?' I figured I'd fuel the fire, just to prove a point. 'He even carried me to my room and helped me get out of my clothes.'

He turned white, then red. His knuckles turned white as well as he tightened his fists.

'So much for your trust.' I scoff. 'Don't worry. Your buddy didn't touch me. Nor did I touch him. But this is what I mean. You just have no trust, and for no damn reason. I'm not a fucking idiot, Yoo. I know what I'm doing. And I don't see such a huge issue that you do, when all I did was try and help someone.'

'You don't have to try and help every single person. You will get yourself in trouble one of these days, and no one will be able to help you. Stop meddling.' He keeps arguing

'And what if it was Jimin instead of that guy? What if I tried to help him? Or any of the other guys from the group? Would you be mad then?' 

'Obviously not! You know them!'

'I also know my boss! It wasn't a random fucking guy!'

He blew out harshly, throwing himself back into the couch. This like arguing with a brick wall over something that doens't even need an argument.

'Look, I get you know him, but Jimin...' He trailed off, not wanting to finish

'Jimin what?' 

'He told me the guy was dodgy, okay? Apparently he kept mumbling your name and even tried to grab you. That's why I was upset. I don't want some old idiot to creep up on you.'

So, that's it. Of course. Why would he simply tell me what bugs him, when he could create a scene.

'He was mumbling a lot of shit. The dude blacked out. He never did anything weird to me or even said a weird thing. If he did, I would have kicked him in the balls. So no need to worry, Yoo. And Jimin needs to stop talking nonsense.' I kind of feel like smacking him now

Beneath the surface [BTS JIMIN FF]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα