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It was one quiet ride home. Jimin and I both knew that we're about to get cursed, chewed out, and yelled at. Possible murder attempt. Or two. To think that we were going to tell him tomorrow, and then he finds out the worst way...

We walked in, and Yoongi went full father mode.

'Sit.' He pointed to the couch while he was pacing around, resembling a caged animal.

Jimin sighed lightly, mentally preparing for everything, and then we both sat down as instructed.

'One of you, start talking.' He stopped pacing, crossing his arms on his chest

'Long story short, we're together. We've been dating in secret for a while now.' I figured I'd start, seeing how he's glaring at Jimin

He clenched his jaw, pushing the question through his gritted teeth. 'How long has this been going on?'

'About 4 months.' I admit, watching his eyes open wide

'4 FUCKING MONTHS?! All those fucking times when I told you or asked you, and you denied it!?'

'AND THIS IS WHY!!!' I scream back at him. 'You were against it before anything even happened! You keep threatening me and giving me warnings! How could I tell you, when I knew you were going to flip like this?!'

'We were planning on telling you tomorrow. Truly.' Jimin adds

'You shut the fuck up! My sister? Really? Some best friend you are.' Yoongi spits at him

'I love her, hyung.'

His fists balled up even more, but his eyes opened in shock. 'You... what?'

'I love her.' Jimin repeats, 'We didn't exactly plan on this happening, hyung. Trust me, it was the last thought on my mind after everything.'

'So you thought you could use her as your last attempt to save your broken self?'

'Yoongi!' I want to punch him right now. 'If you want to yell and scream at someone, then scream at me. I was the one who wanted all of it. He warned me, and he kept away, but I'm the one who made the first move, not him.'

'Jesus fuck.' He ran both hands through his hair, almost pulling on it in frustration. 'Have you lost your mind?! I told you, not him!' 

Jimin looked down, his eyes reddening just a bit at Yoongi's hurtful words.

'And why not?! Because he was hurt? Because you think that he will hurt me? Guess what, Yoo, IT'S NOT YOUR FUCKING CHOICE!' He was looking at me like he wants to slap some sense into me. 'I love him, Yoo. I love him more than you could even imagine, and I am not sorry that I do. No matter what you think, he makes me happy. Instead of being a dick, you should thank him!'

'I get why you don't think I'm good for her. I'm not good for anyone, not even for myself.' Jimin started talking


'Please, baby, just...' He stopped me in a gentle tone, taking my hand in his. 'I told her all of this myself. She knows more than you think about what I'm like. Better than any of you, actually. But much like you, she is the most stubborn thing and wouldn't let go. While I was trying to push her away, I ended up falling in love with her. And even if I didn't want to use her as my escape, she became one. She saved me in more ways than one. I'm... I'm happy. For the first time in forever, I am truly happy. And I promise you, hyung, I will do everything in my power to make her just as happy. Please, don't make me lose a friend because I am not letting go of her.'

Yoongi, surprisingly, didn't interrupt a single time. He let Jimin finish, even losing the tight grip in his hands as he listened. I thought it might be a good time to try and smooth it out even more.

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