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November 25th 2022:

"So how are we going to tell people?" Josh asks as he wraps his arms around me. "Well obviously it's Christmas coming up, I was thinking of letting everyone know this month to get their reactions and then on New Year's Day, I upload a YouTube video, of reactions and let the world know," I explain, doing a complicated Rubix cube. "That's a good plan, even though Randy did that first." Josh shrugs.

"Randy can suck my dick if he has a problem with it." I yawn. "And will we be telling our parents on Christmas Eve or Christmas?" My Boyfriend tells me. "We're spending Christmas with my family right?" I look up to see Josh make a face. "No, we were there last year, we are going to my mum's place this year." He tells me. "I can't go, I've already made arrangements to go home." I sit up. "You always do this, babe. You can go to your parents and I'll go to my mums." Josh huffs, getting out of bed.

"Josh, sit your ass back down." I point at him glaring in his direction. "I'm sat." He sits back down, after a bit of contemplating. "We can go to Guernsey, wake up there for Christmas Eve, tell my parents and Josh and Rosie about the baby. Then we can go to Manchester in the afternoon. How does that sound?" I suggest. "I suppose we can do that, yeah." Josh slowly nods, thinking about it. "Good, you just start arguments for no reason, bro." I laugh.

"Did you just bro me?" Josh asks making me nod with a smile. "I'm about to be a father with our kid in April, and you've just broed me. Girl, are you serious right now?" Josh scoffs. "It was rather that or bitch. Because you're my bitch, aren't you." I smile at him, moving to my knees. "You wish, would a bitch be able to do this?" Josh asks before tackling me onto the mattress. "Spear into the barricades." He pretends to commitate, making a smile appear on my face.

"You really wanna do this?" I asked my boyfriend sternly. "Bring it, baby." Josh laughs. "You asked for it," I warn before getting him in a headlock and bringing him under me. "I like this position." Josh winks at me. "Oh, do you?" I rhetorically ask. Before getting off him. "Babe, you can't just leave me like this!" I stare at Josh as he throws his head back. "Not my fault you get turned on by anything, now hurry up and get ready. We have to be at the studio in two hours." I point at him.

"When are we ever on time for anything?" Josh sits up, putting a pillow over his lap. "Stop acting like a horny teenager and hurry up," I tell him. "I can't not act like that when it comes to you, baby." The man winks in my direction. "Josh, love. Hurry up, I want to see Grace." I laugh, walking out of the room.


"What questions don't you want me to ask?" Grace wonders, as the couples sit in their seats. "I don't care if I'm being truthful." Holly shrugs. "Okay, what about you?" She turns her direction to Chip. "Same as Holl's, I don't mind." He laughs. "Oh, this might get down and dirty." Grace laughs, looking at her phone. "Yes, get to the nitty-gritty." The other woman nods. "Just don't ask the size of anything, because Holl's will answer it." Chip holds his hand out.

"Okay, alcohol?" She asks. "Hell yes." Chip sits up straight. "No thanks, I'm still not drinking." Holly smiles awkwardly. "Okay, I have Fanta?" Grace holds the bottle out. "I'll just have my water. Thank you though, you sexy woman." The Lewis girl winks. "You're making me blush." Grace jokes, covering her face. "Okay, you two have a busy day. You both are doing this, then the fellas, then Holly and Anna's podcast." Cal walks into the room.

"Err, you mean taking sips while chatting shit, right? Because there ain't no way you've just disrespected mine and Anna's Podcast, Freezer." Holly points at the man. "I'm sorry, Holl's. I meant no disrespect." Cal apologises. "No one can talk down on mine and Anna's podcast. It was the first one in the UK influencer and YouTuber industry. And It has the most listeners and viewers, so everyone is just jealous." Holly sits back down and takes a sip of her Fanta.

"Well yeah, you literally got Adele on your podcast. Anyone is going to be jealous of that." Chip looks at his girlfriend. "Me and Anna are just elite. Have you realised Cecilia has only come into mine and Anna's podcast as well?" The brunette girl laughs. "What is that about? I have asked her so many times, to come into ours, and she tells me to fuck myself." Cal scoffs. "Yeah, because you're annoying." Holly points at him.

"What have I ever done to you, Holly?" Cal scoffs. "Do you want a list?" The woman leans forward in the chair. "Do that, and I can triple it by the things you've done to me." Cal smiles at the girl, as she leans back. "Shut the fuck up, Freezer. You little giraffe-looking cunt." The Lewis girl rolls her eyes. "Holly, always with the last word." Grace laughs. "It's how it's gotta be. Because that man knows I will slap him if he talks back to me again." Holly smiles.

"And what do you do?" The influencer turns to Chip. "Me? I just sit back, and watch my beautiful girlfriend slay." The curly-haired boy smiles. "And that's on period." Grace clicks her fingers together. "Yes, of course it is. I trained him." Holly nods. "You really are her bitch aren't you?" Grace asks the man who sits opposite her. Holly throws her head back laughing when her boyfriend barks.

"Can we get this started now? Because I can't stand these two, any longer." Cal sighs. "Well, you're stuck with us when we film our podcast as well my friend." Chip smiles at his business partner. "Fuck sake, I actually might kill myself." Cal pretends to cry. "Cal please don't," Holly says. "Ahh, you care." The man smiles. "Nah, I just won't have anyone to bully." Holly laughs. "There is Theo," Cal states.

"He has got a very good point, love. He is an easy target." Chip turns to Holly. "Yeah, but taking the piss out of Freezer is so much more fun." Holly nods. "Okay, we actually do need to get this done. So can we please?" Grace asks. "Yeah, Freezer say sorry for taking so long." Holly glares at the man. "I'm sorry, for taking so long. Holly, you're a bitch." Cal smiles.

"Being a bitch is empowering, so..." Holly shrugs, smiling smugly. "We're about to start rolling." One of the cameramen states. "Thank you, God." Chip nods. "Do you believe in Greek Mythology?" Holly asks Grace. "Holly, shut up!" Cal shouts, making the brunette close her mouth. "Welcome back..." Grace starts, after laughing.

Adore you ~ Josh LarkinWhere stories live. Discover now