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19th December 2022:

"What do you think the gender will be?" Holly asks Chip as she gets changed. "I don't know. Any gender will be fine, as long as it's healthy." The man nods. "Did you just call our growing baby, an it?" Holly gasps, turning to look at him. "It is an it. Until we know the gender." He shrugs. "Erm, no the baby is not an it, Josh. Now hurry up." She throws a top at him, as she walks out of the room.


"So is this your first scan?" The doctor wonders. "Yeah." Holly nods. "Can you tell me how far you are, roughly?" She asks. "I think like nearly nineteen weeks." The YouTuber tells the woman. "What? That's like five months. Why haven't you been to the doctor yet?" The woman gasps. "Well, the funny thing actually. I only found out I was pregnant like last month, I had no clue, nor was I showing signs." The Lewis girl says.

"And you did see any changes to your girlfriend?" The doctor looks at Chip. "Fiancée actually," Chip says, before itching his head when he doesn't get a response. "No, I didn't. Was I supposed to?" He asks. "Yeah, did you not see any weight being gained?" The doctor asks, getting the machine set up. "No, she didn't gain any weight." Josh shakes his head. "I only started showing like three weeks ago," Holly says.

"That's weird, so her boobs didn't grow?" The woman asks Josh another question, making his eyes widen. "Oh yeah, her boobs did start getting a bit bigger. I just thought they were getting bigger because you know..." Chip trails off. "No, I don't know." The blonde woman sighs. "Babe, just." Holly looks at her fiancee and puts a finger over her mouth. "Okay." He nods.

"Can you lift your top please?" The lady smiles at Holly. The YouTuber nods and pulls the top up to just underneath her bra. "Can I pull your joggers down to your waist?" She then asks, getting a little yes from Holly. "This will be cold, so don't worry about that." She smiles, opening the lid for the gel before putting it on Holly's stomach and rubbing it in. "That tickles." Holly laughs.

"Look there, that's the baby." The doctor spins the machine around and points to the screen, showing the soon-to-be parents. "That's crazy." Josh laughs. "That's in me?" Holly's eyes widen. "I would say it's the size of a heirloom tomato." Dr Helen nods. "That's not that big." Holly shakes her head. "It's not, that big. But you will begin to show soon." The Doctor tells her.

"Would you like to know the gender now?" The doctor asks. "You can do that already?" Josh says. "Yeah, I can see as clear as day." The woman nods. "Do you mind if we film? It's just for a YouTube video." Holly asks the woman. "No, go ahead, I can stand the camera up somewhere if you want." The blonde woman smiles. "Can you? I really appreciate that, thank you." Holly nods, handing the doctor the tripod which has the camera on.

"Okay, it's filming," Helen says, as she sits back down in her chair. "You ready." Josh takes Holly's hand. "Yeah." Holly squeezes his hand, as she turns to smile at him. "I can tell you, that the gender of your baby will be a boy," Helen reveals, making Josh jump up. "Yes!" He shouts, before hugging Holly. "Calm down, babe." Holly laughs at his reaction, hugging him back.

"Is that what you wanted to hear?" Helen wipes the gel of Holly's stomach. "Yeah." Josh nods, sitting back down. "What about you?" Helen turns to Holly, smiling at her when she sees the YouTuber wiping her eyes. "I would've been happy hearing either gender, but it's just so surreal." She cries. "Awe, Holls." Josh laughs, kissing her hand. "Well, the baby is healthy, everything is fine. So, I would like to see you in like... eight weeks." Helen says.

"Yeah, we can do that." Holly nods, pulling her joggers up as she sits up. "And congratulations on the engagement you two, my kids would not stop talking about it." Helen takes her gloves off. "That's so cute, I would tell you to tell them we say hello, but we don't want anyone knowing that we're having a baby. Not until the new year anyways, so." Holly gets off the bed. "Don't worry about it, remember to take care of yourself." Helen smiles.


"Do you have any names, in mind?" Holly looks at her fiancée as they lay in their bed. "No, I don't think so." Josh yawns. "I have like one name, but it's so gay." Holly laughs to herself. "What?" She asks the man as she feels him turn his eyes to her. "Not sure if you've realised, but you are also, really fucking gay." He scoffs. "That's a good point." The brunette nods.

"Tell me the name then," Josh says. "No, because it's so boring and so basic," Holly says. "I'm not going to judge you, I just want to know." The man sighs, turning on his front so he can see the girl. "Don't laugh at me." Holly smiles. "Can't promise anything, love." He shrugs. "The name I had in my mind was Josh." Holly clasps her lips, as she looks into her fiancée's eyes.

The two smile at each other before bursting out with laughter. "That's rude, you have just violated mine, your brother's and Zerkka's name. That is atrocious." Josh jokes. "No, because that is why I had that name in my mind, Josh Junior you know, JJ, with Harry as his middle name. Named after all the best boys in my life. I love my dad, but his name is a bit old." Holly sighs.

"I like that." Chip smiles. "You do?" Holly asks, shocked. "Yes, I like the background of the name, but people will have to call him Josh Junior." He explains. "Yeah, it'll get too confusing otherwise." Holly agrees. "The fact that you said JJ is one of the best boys in your life just shows your favouritism." Josh laughs. "Shut up." Holly giggles, throwing a pillow at his face.

"Why is it always the pillow!" He shouts, into the pillow. "Because it's soft," Holly says like it's obvious. "That's a fair point." Chip grabs the pillow and throws it across the room. "Cool." Holly rolls her eyes, takes her fiancées pillow and puts it under her head. "No, you don't even use the pillows, why are you taking mine?" Josh sits up. "Because I want it, and you threw mine across the fucking room." She points at the pillow.

"You sleep on me though, you don't use the pillows. Can I have it back please?" He asks. "I don't know, can you?" She shrugs, making him gasp. "You're rude." He shakes his head, getting a sweet smile from the woman. "I love you." He shakes his head, leaning towards her and kisses her. "I love you." She nods, kissing him back. "Oh yeah, and I also want to talk about godparents," Holly says.

"I'm fine with whoever you want." Josh nods. "So you don't want like... Cal or something to be the godfather?" Holly asks. "God no. Did you see what I did there?" He raises his eyebrows with a smile on his face. "You're so cute." Holly sighs. "I love the boys to bits, and I can trust them with anything. But being a godfather to our kid, I don't think so. And whoever you have in mind, I know will be good people." Josh explains.

"You already know who I'm going to say, don't you?" Holly smiles. "I have a good idea of who it might be." Chip winks. "Well, the godparents will be, Tobi and Dani. Because they are trustworthy, and have you seen them with Manny's son?" Holly's eyebrows raise. "Nah, because Malachi is the cutest," Chip says. "Isn't he? But Dani and Tobi are so good with him. Obviously, Dani has PCOS as well, and she can't have kids."

"Can't people still get pregnant with PCOS though?" Josh asks. "Yeah, it's very hard, but Dani and Tobi have been trying for like seven years. And nothing has worked, so them being the godparents just makes sense. And the fact that they are some of my closest friends I have known for like a decade." Holly says. "Okay, they can be the godparents, we can tell them after we have Christmas at my mum's. Because our family has to know first." Josh says.

"Yeah, I completely agree. Our friends will find out, after Christmas. But before New Year's Eve, because we need to get the video out on the first." Holly nods. "That is not a long time to do that," Josh says. "I know, we just have to tell like a hundred people. That shouldn't be so hard." Holly shakes her head. "This is going to be a long month." Josh sighs. "I agree." Holly closes her eyes.

Authors Note:

What do we think of the name? It's a little basic I know, but we will live with it. It's a sentimental name okay.

And the reasoning as to why Danielle and Tobi will be the godparents, my heart is full. They will cry so much when they find out.

But remember I love you all, and thank you for reading this book and sorry for the slow updates but I have so many books I can't keep on top of it, I might make a timetable you know.

And don't forget to drink your daily dose of water! ❤️❤️

Adore you ~ Josh LarkinWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt