|| Chapter 5 ||

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Cade was in the barn working on the transformer, while Tessa and Lucas were on the ground trying to sell him on the idea of calling.

They were rather panicked while Cade was excited to have found something that could possibly help him.

"Twenty-five grand! It pays for my college. It pays for the house." Tessa said.

"Besides, you used my money to buy the truck, right? So technically, that's my truck. Don't you think?" Lucas asked, walking over as Cade looked back at him with a stern expression, going under a railing.

"You also signed a contract regarding all research lab I.P." Cade said.

"Research lab? It's a barn, dude." Lucas pointed out, stepping back as Cade came closer to him.

"You sighed it and now you're competing, any idea of yours is mine. Any thought you have, I own it, so basically, I own you." Cade deadpanned.

Isn't that illegal somewhere?

And morally wrong..?

"I don't think you can own someone. That was, like, a while ago, even in Texas." Lucas explained, tilting his head.

"All right. Bring the torch over and help me with the pulley." Cade said, putting on an apron and welding mask as Lucas sighed.

"I think the shrapnel took out its power core. Oh, and Tessa, you see this?" Cade asked, grabbing a hammer as he began to bang the truck, causing Tessa to jump.

It was rather loud.

"would an alien killing machine let me do that? Look- I'll make the call, we'll get the money. Just first let me see if I'm right. You want to hide in the house? Go ahead." Cade said.

Tessa nodded rather quickly and took the opportunity to run out.

This left Lucas and Cade alone with their new Cybertronian discovery.

"Let's go. Pulley arm." Cade said.

Cade began to look at something that seemed rather missile like.

"What is that? Looks like a missile." Lucas observed.

"It is! Woah-!" Cade yelled

The missile began to fly around, knocking everything in its way over along with knocking Lucas and Cade onto the ground before it went outside and straight through the house before back out again.

"Dad! There's a missile in the family room!" Tessa yelled from afar.

"Holy..." Cade said.

Cade looked back and immediately got to the ground with Lucas, seeing the truck behind them begin to transform right in front of their eyes.

Sparks flew everywhere.

"I'll kill you!" The voice of the Cybertronian said, grabbing onto stuff as he transformed, looking rather old and run-down.

He was big.

 Very big.

The Autobots optics opened as he crushed everything under him, trying to find balance though failing.

"No! No!" He said, grabbing quite the weapon off his back as his spark chamber seemed to be rather... worked up.

"Dad, theres a missile in-" Tessa began to scream as she ran inside before getting held back by Cade, spotting the large mech.

The bot managed to stand and held the gun to Cade and Tessa.

"I'll kill you! Stay back!" The mech yelled.

"Oh, no. Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" Cade shouted.

"Call 911! Run!" Lucas exclaimed.

He got up, to be called by Cade, Lucas beginning to try and make a break for it towards the exit. Bad idea.

"Stop!" The mech commanded, lowering his weapon.

Lucas smacked into the blaster and got sent back, before the mech grabbed his weapon with two servos yet again.

A large red spot appeared on his forehead as Lucas began to hold it, obviously in pain from the impact, the red mark seeming rather noticeable to even babies or toddlers with not the best vision.

"Lucas? Don't move, just calm down." Cade reassured him from afar, still holding Tessa's arm as she held his.

"Easy, Human." The large 'bot said.

"Stay there, he's not gonna hurt us." Cade told Tessa and began to move closer to the much taller robot.

"Weapons systems damaged." The Cybertronian deadpanned, bright blue optics darting around the barn. Alert.

"A missile hit your engine and we took it out of you. You're hurt really bad. I'm just trying to help you. You're in my home now, I'm an engineer. My name is Cade Yeager." Cade said, attempting to pacify the mech.

The Cybertronian stared at Cade, wiping his mouth.

"Cade, I am in your debt. My name is Optimus Prime." The mech— Optimus, said.

He paused, seemingly thinking about something for a couple moments, maybe recalling what had happened in his past?

He was in bad condition, and Cade still had his hands raised to look like he wasn't a threat to the 'bot, simply to calm Optimus down an little so that he could lower the weapon he was carrying.

This mech looked extremely rusted.

"My Autobots- Y/n. They're in danger." Optimus said in a panicked tone, before falling to his knees as a couple of his parts fell, including his audials.

"I need to go... I need to go now.." Optimus informed them, holding his head with a servo.

"How far you think you're gonna get?" Cade asked.

He looked at Cade before Cade looked back at Tessa, waving her on.

"Tessa, come here. He needs our help. What happened to you?" Cade questioned, Tessa beginning to walk forward.

"An ambush. A trap. Set by humans." Optimus informed them, before coughing out dust.

"I escaped and took this form." Optimus finished.

"But you're on our side? Why would humans hurt you?" Tessa asked.

"They were not alone. My Autobots can repair me, Y/n can repair me..." Optimus said

"Yeah, if you can reach 'em." Cade deadpanned.

Lucas got up finally, his head having quite the red spot on it, which definitely was because of the impact with Optimus' handheld weapon.

Cade looked down before grabbing his audial piece and picking it up, looking up at Optimus.

"What about me?" Cade asked.

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