chapter 46

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As sunlight irritated my eyes my senses slowly grew more aware and my consciousness came to. Stretching my tail and arms I paused as I realized there was something in my arms.

Opening my eyes I gave them a second to adjust. I found myself lying on the forest floor with kora fast asleep in my arms.

My arm was draped over her as we both laid on our sides a few feet from the healing pool. 

Waking up with her in my arms filled me with so much joy as I pulled her closer and nuzzled the top of her head. Inhaling her scent I purred happily, relishing in the peace of having my mate in my arms.

She slowly stirred awake snuggling up closer to me for warmth which I gladly gave, coiling my tail around her leg and holding her firmly against my chest.

"Mmm… how early is it?" She mumbled sleepily while getting cozy once more. A smile formed on my face as I buried my face in her hair. 

"It's not early. The forest awoke hours ago. If anything it is quite late in the day." I replied.

"Has the first sun already passed halfway over the sky?" She questioned.

"No, not yet."

"Then It's still early." She declared, making me chuckle. 

"Come now mate, you should awaken with the rest of the forest and we can scavenge for some of your favorite foods." I rubbed my hand up and down the length of her arm enjoying how soft kora felt.

With a groan she turned over to face me and snuggled closer. "Just a few more minutes…"

Smiling down at the female in my arms I moved my hand up to start combing my fingers through her hair, ridding it of any tangles and knots. Seeing my braid in her hair made my heart swell with pride and I made sure it was firmly secured as I tended to her mane.

After a while her eyes finally fluttered open slowly and her pupils took a moment to adjust. Tilting her head back some to look at me tired lying she spoke up groggily. "Morning." 

I removed my hand from her hair and rested it on her hip. "Yes it is morning?"

"No- that was meant to be a greeting…"

Looking down at her questioningly I watched as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "We have not left each other, why would we greet once again? And how does the time of day symbolize a greeting?"

"Uhg, nevermind. I'm too tired to explain this right now…"

'Humans truly are strange creatures' I mused to myself. Sitting upright I rubbed koras back in an attempt to rouse her from her tired state. "Come now we cannot sleep the day away, you do not function well at night."

With a mildly dissatisfied groan, Kora sat up and looked at me with an accusing glare. "What do you mean I don't function well at night?".

Did she mistake my words as an insult again? "You humans are not nocturnal, you are not night creatures. You can hardly get around or do much in the dark. I simply do not wish for you to waste precious daylight.

She pouted and crossed her arms over her chest. "Humans are plenty capable at night thank you!" 

"Even when you cannot see in the dark?" I pointed.

"Yes! We are quite inventive! Humans can always come up with creative ways to satisfy their needs and accomplish the impossible! If we can build rockkeets and go to space then we can adapt to darkness!" She spoke in xandisian but the word 'rockeet' was in english.

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