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WE’RE locked down out here,” Natasha reports, bringing an end to a fighting-filled silence.

“Then get to Banner. Time for a lullaby,” Steve orders.

You and Peter have been working together to take down agents. It’s been working well, though there’s still some more soldiers left. You’re about to fly over to a large cluster of them when Peter stops you.

“Hey, Le– Black Star, come here. I wanna try something,” Peter tells you.

You fly over to him. “What’s up?”

“I wanted to, like, make a web slingshot. And then it can shoot us into that crowd of soldiers. I know you have the Shooting Star, but… I dunno, I thought this could be fun, I guess?”

“Sure, yeah. That does sound like fun.”

Peter looks somewhat relieved you agreed to his idea. He quickly shoots webs near the middle of two tall trees nearby and keeps a tight grip on them to make a V-shape. He then begins to walk backwards, pulling the webs taunt.

“IOkay, now come over here.”

“You fly the Shooting Star over the webs, then climb off it. As AVIS directs it to park among the branches of one of the trees, you stand with your back pressed against Peter’s chest.

“IAlright, I’m going to count to three. When I get to one, pick your feet up off the ground. Actually… it might be easier if you step on my feet.”

“What? Why?”

“IIt’ll make it more efficient. I’ve made slingshots for school projects before, trust me.”

“INo, I know it would. I just… don’t wanna hurt you.”

“He shakes his head. “I’ll be fine.”

“Okay, if you’re sure.”

You step onto his feet, waiting for a sharp intake of breath, but it doesn’t come. Still, you don’t shift your full weight onto him. You grab your twin pistols from your belt and adjust your grip on them as Peter moves his arms closer together to secure the two of you better.

“Okay, now when I count to three, we go. Ready?”

“Wait! On three, or after three?” You know he can’t see your face, but a smirk winds its way through your lips all the same.

He laughs. “After three.”

“Okay, I’m ready.”

“Alright. One, two–”

“Three!” you shout together.

Peter lets go of the webs, and the two of you jerk forward. You’re quickly pulled away from him, but you’re glad he told you to put your feet on his, because this makes for a much smoother, much faster, and much higher ride. You’re almost two dozen feet off the ground. When you start to curve downwards, you windmill your arms, trying to regain some sense of balance. As you do so, you accidentally pull the trigger on the pistol in your right hand. Your hand was pointed towards the ground, and the bullet flies right in between two guards who were aiming guns of their own at you. They quickly jump apart to avoid getting shot, which gives you an idea. You continue firing at the ground around the agents, breaking them all up. Peter swings in behind you, scooping up distracted agents and webbing them onto trees high above the ground. When you get close to the ground, Peter swings over and grabs you, then places you safely on the ground. Adrenaline is coursing through you, but you don’t mind. It feels good, actually.

Black Star: The Legend BeginsWhere stories live. Discover now