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THERE’S a metallic grinding behind you, and you turn to see a robot that’s missing everything from the waist down slowly crawling towards the core.


Sunlight reflects off of the robot’s metal body into your eyes. As if it were a sign, you realize what you have to do. Quickly running the equation in your head, you pull out your most powerful gun. In a daze, you tap your earpiece to activate the microphone in your comms device.

“Dad, get ready to disintegrate the city.”

“Why–? No.” His voice goes from confused to horrified as he realizes what you mean.

Wanda stands up and begins running over to you. “Wait, I’ll do it! Stop!”

But the robot is closer to the core than Wanda is, and you know there’s no time.

“LEXI, STOP!” Tony screams, horror melting into desperation. “WE’LL–”

You yank off your mask, taking your comms with it and muffling Tony’s cries.

“Miss Stark, just shoot the robot!” AVIS’s desperate voice cuts through the fabric as she yells at you.

“Then another one will just come. We have to do this now.”

“Miss Stark, please–”

You fling your mask as far away from you as possible so AVIS can’t talk to you either.

There’s a clink as the robot’s hand lowers on the core, preparing to turn the switch that will cause the death of everyone and everything. You hastily aim your gun, pull the trigger, and–

A wave of blue vibranium energy explodes out of the core, eating up your peripheral vision. Your feet leave the ground as the city begins to drop, taking your stomach with it. Out of the corner of your eye, you see the energy disintegrating the robot, but the image is quickly washed away as the energy gets closer.

You try to get out of the way, knowing it’s dangerous to be near it, but you can’t move fast enough now that you’re floating.

Blue washes over your everything as it pulls you into black.

Then, your everything becomes nothing.

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